After elderly couple from nudist park disappear, police arrest man hiding under his house

Originally published at: After elderly couple from nudist park disappear, police arrest man hiding under his house - Boing Boing


I hope that it turns out the couple are alive and well.

but friends noticed they were missing when they didn’t show up for church on Sunday

The Church of Jesus Christ of Clothing Optional? :hugs:


The wording of the article is kind of unclear about whether the couple actually lived at the resort or just went missing there, but suffice to say that naturism usually isn’t a 24/7 thing. People can and do don clothing to go shopping, attend church and whatnot even if they prefer to spend most of their time in the buff.


Hopefully, the couple have gone on an impulsive holiday.

Okay, I know it mostly just makes the story slightly more tantalizing, but what does the fact that this happened at a nudist part have to do with anything? Would this be such a prominent detail in the story if it was a gated community of bowling enthusiasts?


That would certainly be a strike against it.


For the Lord doth say, Spare the pin rod, and spoil the frame child.

–Brunswick 4:20


Is it just me or does it look like the SWAT team MAY have used a wee bit of excessive force on that guy’s house?

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Well its a SWAT team, so probably


Kind of their entire jam, excessive force…


Me too, although the police did find human remains underneath the alleged killer’s house, and there was a dispute between the two parties.

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SWAT Team, “We do not use excessive force; we use permissible force, and we are very permissive.”

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Typical Weapons And Tactics.

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