After Mueller report, Trump campaign attacks media. Read the note they're sending to TV producers

I’ve been noticed fewer official boingboing posts on weekends. Good for them. Everyone needs a break. Plenty of other sources talking nonstop about this.


Trump’s spin is that not even a “witch hunt” could nail him (while obviously ignoring the fact that he has not been totally exonerated).


Well they should release most if not all of the report, but I don’t see how this could remain secret. I definitely don’t see how it could remain secret if there was a clear smoking gun and the AG decided to just ignore it. More likely any collusion isn’t provable.

Ironically, the statement from Trump even says there were attempts by the Russians to collude: “despite repeated offers from Russia-Linked operatives.” So they even admit there were attempts. But maybe they didn’t actually bite. Or if they did bite, the evidence for it just wasn’t there. If there was something else to the contrary to either of these two scenarios in the report, then I expect that information won’t stay secret. Too many people know the contents of the report for it to not get leaked.


I certainly hope so. My concern is that a 2020 Trump win will have the right wing nut jobs writing policy that they know would lose an election. Individual freedom will become a quaint and outdated concept for the foreseeable future.


They have the advantage of a lackey who has selectively spoon-fed the public selected half-sentences from an investigation that had found quite a number of high-ranking Trump campaign officials guilty and now in prison or soon to be.

This administration is just on full court press playing the cards in their hand without anyone able to truly counter any claim they make. They’ll make the most of it, watering down the report as a whole, but it won’t last.

The real surprise is when the full report does become public.


To be fair…we do not know what Mueller’s actual determination/report say. We just know the AG’s interpretation and commentary on said report.

This is a long game in which things need to play out without knee jerk reacting to each twist and turn. Next up the House will legally push for the full report and making it public. They will also likely subpoena Mueller to testify.


My concern is that for the past 22 months, the general public has been inundated with two sets of yelling from the media: one side saying “Trump is a criminal and has been working with Russians to get elected” and the other side saying “All of that is a lie and he is totally innocent”, and the deciding factor has been set up to be the legendary Mueller report. As of today, Trump has been 100% vindicated and the media is declaring that he’s been cleared. Even if the full report gets released, this massively damages its impact and makes his challengers look like liars.


Agreed; all the lawsuits and investigations AIN’T over.


Some info may (understandably) be redacted if it could adversely effect any ongoing investigations (or if it’s promising and could be fruitful in the near future).


And this is where it gets dicey for Nostradumbass. If the WH and AG make it difficult or appear to be holding things up in any way/refusing to cooperate. EVERYONE will jump to “what are they hiding”

And I am absolutely sure that Mueller has a full copy of his report in multiple places and formats.


People tossing around that Mueller is a failure, the score card is below, just in case you needed the facts.



Of course he does.

And sooner or later, the full report will leak.


It’s amazing how credulously the news media is accepting, at face value, a known Trump stooge’s characterization of the Mueller report, sight unseen. Though even his characterization doesn’t exonerate the president of wrongdoing, despite his weaseling.

The problem is, we know nothing about what’s in it. It’s still almost entirely an unknown.

Look, it was a total witch hunt put together by Republicans who were secretly angry Democrats, full of lies to get Trump, so obviously it exonerates him entirely.

Worse, they’re saying he was exonerated by a witch hunt. That’s not even possible - if it were a witch hunt, by its nature it couldn’t exonerate him, and if it exonerated him, it couldn’t have been a witch hunt.

Crazy talk!

I mean, the White House’s own argument is that “sure, the Russians tried to collude with us, but they didn’t have anything for us so it didn’t go anywhere.” Any previous campaign would have called the FBI so fast in that situation (and we know that, because they have called the FBI over lesser issues rather than receive tainted help).


A known unknown, even.


I’d like to see a fuller report too, but I’m girding myself for crushing disappointment.


Give him a choice: Either the Mueller report or your tax returns. Choose one.
(Only joking. We need to see both.)


I don’t agree at all with “massively”.

If nothing else, the past year has shown us that left/right opinions have pretty much calcified. Do I see the report as the litmus test that all swing voters were waiting for? No. I don’t see a sizeable percentage of fence-sitters (who eventually decided along the way to be part of the 60% camp) now leaving that camp. Too much has happened over those 22 months, only reinforcing suspicions about Trump. And people know that Barr was hand-picked.

Speaking for myself, doomsday-for-the-Left conclusions re the report are something that I anticipate will be shouted out loud and clear by Trump, FOX, and MAGAists, and not just to crow about, but to make as many people as possible on the Left feel that it won’t be worth voting in 2020.


if someone commits felonies, then covers up or destroys evidence and proof they did it, then threatens or promises to reward witnesses if they coverup the crime so its impossible to charge/prosecute


and how is the news/media completely missing this point?

my gawd what a freaking nightmare, why does evil ALWAYS win?!


because you’re in the good place.


Thanks for telling me who to believe!