After Mueller report, Trump campaign attacks media. Read the note they're sending to TV producers

Context is king.

Cherry picking snippets of a sentence is the thing shitty movies do with bad reviews, to try to appear like they aren’t shitty movies. If they want to exonerate themselves, they need to provide full context. Anything otherwise is shady as fuck. It’s not like they are trying to save ink, or paper.

What cherry picking will do, however is energize the base and put a kernel of doubt in the minds of anyone on the fence.

Goal achieved.

He’s had a lifetime of practice lying out of both sides of his mouth.

He doesn’t want anything made public that doesn’t verify what an outstanding fellow he is. Take his tax returns, for example.


Isn’t this exactly what the media tries to do with Huckabee-Sanders every single press conference?


“if these guests do reappear, you should replay the prior statements and challenge them to provide the evidence which prompted them to make the wild claims in the first place.”

They weren’t making “wild claims”. They were providing us with alternative facts.

This sounds a lot like attempted “black balling” to me.


It is important that congress get the report and deliver it to all Americans. That being said we can not make this the only thing. We have to take a larger approach to win elections and beat the Republicans back. We have to stop reflexively acting and think strategically. If you want to beat Trump you have to beat the Republicans. Democrats, progressive, and independents need to deliver a vision to American voters.


Dr. Chomsky has been very lucid on this since 2016:



I get what he’s saying but i don’t buy that Russia isn’t getting anything out of Trump. He’s getting a destabilized America and UN. Putin wants the world in chaos so Russia can do whatever they want…


Frustrated, but I agree. On some level we gotta chalk this up as the bad guy winning one. That doesn’t mean it’s an OK result, but we’re gonna need to move forward somehow and keep pushing for civil rights, the environment, economic justice, health care… I mean there’s a long list and it’s not like we HAVENT been talking about any of it. But yeah, we need to move forward… and get revenge in November 2020.

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If it’s acting, he obviously uses the Stanislavsky system.


that’s how it’ll be framed, but it’s not what anyone has to believe.

we know there was evidence of russian meddling. we know trump’s campaign ( and family ) met with russians during the election. how else are we supposed to resolve what happened other than by an investigation?

some of the republicans themselves have acknowledged that in saying they want the report published.

an honest investigation can resolve question about a person’s guilt. calling out democrats as traitors to the country, or as liars, for wanting to figure out who hacked the election is, frankly, ludicrous.

( acknowledging, of course, that being ludicrous is the trump game plan. always pushing the boundaries of what they can get away with. )

  1. Fascists are counting the votes.

  2. Kids in cages, now. Deliberately engineered famine and pestilence in Yemen, now. Poison water in Flint, now. Murderous cops collaborating with Nazis, now. Etc.


What exactly are we looking to learn from his tax returns? The “tax returns” have been elevated to a mythical status by the Dems and the press (like the “Mueller Report”), and what’s actually in his tax returns is probably quite anticlimactic. However maybe I’m missing something - is there a fact about Trump that we might learn from his tax returns that would be material to anything? You’d learn his income and expenses in a given year, that’s about it. Some schedules showing calculations if he included them, but it’s not like anything changes if he made $1M or $10M or $100M in 2017. Who cares? We’d probably learn about some financial engineering he’s doing (which is probably very normal for the industries he’s in), probably that he is a tightwad who doesn’t donate to charity, well that won’t shock anyone.


Some reminders of the recent actions of the Trump administration re: Russia.

And now, Venezuela.

Whatever the relationship between Trump and Putin, it does not appear to be having any restraining effect upon the US military.




Well yeah, but it seems perfectly plausible to me that Trump and Putin would be perfectly happy to sacrifice troops as part of their kayfabe. Not saying that’s what’s happening here, but I wouldn’t completely rule it out either.



YMMV, but in my view:

Trump is a crook. Trump is a fascist. Trump is chummy with dictators around the world. Trump has corrupt business dealings with criminal oligarchs all over the globe.

But he is not a Russian agent. Trump is 100% American.


I wouldn’t get to ahead of yourself.

Point and case: “while this report does not does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also doesn’t exonerate him”. I.e. Not yet able to be proved beyond a reasonable doubt, is not the same as being innocent.

Not yet able and innocent are two different things. Means Mueller didn’t find a smoking gun given his timeframe. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist or can’t be found. Get ready for every district, circuit, and Supreme Court to start their own investigations.

Gentlemen, start your investigations!