After receiving insults for insulting a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model, Jordan Peterson departs from Twitter in a snit

Something tells me the modeling industry will continue to get by just fine if I choose not to publicly judge the appearance of said models.

We are “required” to do nothing.


I don’t know why, but lately I’ve been inundated by tales from men who are… to be honest… kinda radicalized by dating apps. Like, I had to stop being friends with them radicalized :frowning:. From what I’ve heard, across multiple male friends who use dating apps, unless you’re in the top 10-20 percent of the dating pool on the male side (by whatever criteria makes one “swipeable”, I suppose), uh… good luck?

It’s honestly scared me how far this one particular ex-friend went off the rails. It’s the same old “I am angry at the world” trope, but holy cow. Radicalized is the only word I can think of to properly describe the scope of it. At one point he even said “I am no longer a feminist”.

(And to be fair modern app-based dating can be a meat grinder for everyone.)

Bottom line, I think it’s beneficial to everyone to show more realistic depictions of the human body in magazines. This change should be celebrated, by both men and women. Artificial, arbitrary standards of beauty aren’t helping anyone.

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Well god damn then! I sure hope some hot girl fucks your mean bitter friend and suffers for his emotional problems and personality flaws so I have a .000000000000000000112% increase in my chance of not losing my life and whatever few human rights I still have left!


Are these mostly straight guys or gay guys?

I don’t know if Incels are as prevalent among gay guys. I doubt it. But I definitely don’t see evidence of the same degree of violence towards the class of people they feel has harmed them by not having sex with them.

Misogyny is the root of all this violence against women. Not striking out in dating or dating apps. It’s the presumption that women exist to serve men - and that we should be punished if we don’t.


It’s also the idea that men are only seen as men by society if they have sexual relations with many women. “How can I be a man if no one will have sex with me?” does indeed segue into “those damn women, denying me my manliness!”

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Not every guy who gets rejected by women; or who doesn’t have success on dating apps: or who goes through a bitter divorce; etc. ends up listening to the entreaties of the manosphere. Those who do tend to have those kinds of problems because they were already engaging in arsehole behaviours and holding arsehole attitudes towards women that the misogynist sects tell them are ok. The fascist radicalisation pipeline takes a similar approach to recruiting clueless dickheads.

By the way, Jordaddy’s daughter – who promotes an all-meat diet as her entry point into her dad’s grifting business – married one of those ridiculous PUA gurus. The family seems to be going for the whole bingo card of destructive right-wing scamming.


It’s not like dating apps are the only way to meet potential love interests. Mobile apps didn’t even exist last time I was single.

If “failing to find a mate on a dating app” is enough to radicalize a guy into an anti-feminist incel then maybe his inability to get a date has causes beyond society’s unrealistic body standards.


I can guarantee you that this guy only “swiped right” when the first photo showed someone who met white cis-het male society’s ideal of conventional attractiveness in a woman. I also strongly suspect that his own photos (and profile text) didn’t come close to matching white male society’s ideal of conventional attractiveness in a man.

As he contemplated, Seymour-Skinner-like, the reasons behind his lack of success, the manosphere was there to support his conclusion that, no, it’s the women who are wrong.


It seems self-evident that if you don’t want potential dates to judge you by a first impression of your appearance then you shouldn’t use “swipe”-based dating apps at all.


Well, now we have the nice extra stigma that men can only be seen as decent by society if they have sexual relations with women, because the ones who don’t are radicals waiting to happen. Like others have said the problem is misogynists not singles, and shifting the blame to them does not help.


Would you like to hear from the other side?

If you show up to a date in rumpled clothing, late, smelly, admitting that you’re jobless and have no plans to move forward on that, but won’t engage in conversation because the woman you’ve agreed to have coffee with isn’t an 8 or better (no one has ever accused me of being model material), then maybe you were never really a feminist.


I don’t understand this reference.
Is this actually a thing?
If so, please tell me.
Ta for now.

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