After Twitter ban, Pharma bro Martin Shkreli boasts about his new account, which is immediately banned

King Leonidas might disagree.

Or, conversely, General Custer.

There’s a variety of opinion on the subject.

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Wha? C’mon! Nothing could ever make me…

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Wait, there is depression with joy? I’ve been missing out…


I would have sworn you made that up.

It’s a peculiar turn of phrase, isn’t it?

Possibly it was an attempt to differentiate it from manic-depression. Perhaps it made sense if one was using the theory of humors to understand human psychology. But since the Catholic devotionalists tend to outnumber the historians of medieval “psychiatry,” I’m not getting much traction. Perhaps we need the services of a historian? @Mindysan33

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Hmmm… it’s not my field, but I’d expect that depression as a concept is pretty modern. I do know that the Victorians tended to use the term Melancholy. I don’t know if medieval people would have thought even in those terms?

I’d suggest looking at Foucault, who Madness and Civilization, in which he did cover the rise of modern psychiatry. If it’s like his book Discipline and Punish, he probably talks a bit about how people thought about these things prior to modern times:

Sorry I don’t know more!

[ETA] OH! And of course, back in those days (medieval era) what we think of as science and a Christian world view (in Europe at least) were entirely linked. The scientists were also the priests and monks or at least didn’t think in terms of a godless world, like we tend to do today.




Backpfeifengesicht is the word that describes this guy
its a German compound word/term and In common use it means
something to the effect of “A face badly in need of a fist” (or in english shkreli)

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Oh, @Melaina is older than Christ.

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