Originally published at: Aggressive, carnivorous, air-breathing, land-walking invasive fish spotted in Louisiana | Boing Boing
The mean, ugly fish are actually quite delicious
I’m pretty sure that’s how & why they ended up in the US in the 1st place.
Isn’t there another fish species that can do this in Florida? They usually came out after heavy rainfall back in the late 1970s.
Nope. Like the lionfish in the Gulf, they came in with the aquarium trade. They actually are kinda interesting looking when small, but quickly outgrow pretty much any size home tank. What do you do when your ugly little fish can’t fit your tank anymore? Chuck him in the stream, right? And they are tough mofos. I don’t see any way we are eliminating them.
the solution is obvious. just find a bigger, uglier, meaner fish that feeds on snakeheads and release it into the waterways. what could go wrong?
Mongooseheads. It’s not the inevitable escalation we need but it is the inevitable escalation we deserve.
I’ve seen some folks trying to teach groupers that they can eat the lionfish but I doubt that’s had any major change in their population so far.
I wonder, at least for specific lakes, about using electricity to scoop them out.
Does anyone know how hard it is to leash train a snake head fish?
Wouldn’t it be fun to take your pet fish for a walk?
That looks like an incredibly terrible invasive species.
This brings to mind some sort of Betelgeuse “We’ve come for your daughter Chuck.” type nightmare creature.
The video of the one scooting across a dirt road has an uncomfortably similar vibe to footage of the Terran Confederacy’s discovery of the fact that they had a zerg problem on Mar Sara.
It wouldn’t be out this far unless…Oh shit.
As long as you spay and neuter, I suppose…
Walks on Land? Fish Jesus!
I was thinking of the examples they found in MD…
The Crofton snakeheads were eventually traced to a Maryland man who’d bought two of the fish in New York City for his sister to eat. When she demurred, he kept them in his aquarium and later released them. (source)
… and assumed that accounted for any & all of them. But in the MD case, they were apparently both food and pets.
(Edit typo)
Sounds familiar…
I’m sure “dressed” on that poster also comes in two options: tiny bowtie and top hat or filet…
If you’re in Louisiana and spot one of these vile creatures, please report it to Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries by calling (225) 765-3977 or emailing.
That is, if you can run fast enough to clear some space between you and the fish. Good luck, and don’t drop your phone!
Paul Prudhomme would have figured out 8 or 9 ways by now to cook these babies up.