I kind of view the nature and phrasing of his messages intentional as they self-select people who are least capable of skeptical thought and analysis. And then he throws his products at them.
I know we only post the batshit crazy things of his here and often cut out his pitches, but if you can stomach it, watch a whole show of his, just one. And count up the amount of things and amount of time he spends selling those things. And the cost if you buy every one of them.
He may be batshit loony tunes, but I’m not so sure. What I am sure of is that the type of people who buy into this shit absolutely buys all the things he sells because they’re terrified.
Yeah, post-Trump, what the Republican party has demonstrated is that they’re just looking at what the most active parts of their base seems excited about and what they think will motivate them and changing to fit in - principles and coherent political ideologies be damned. They’re all doing what Jones is (but some of them are actually communicating with each other and coordinated to some degree).