Alex Jones begs for forgiveness in panicked "emergency message" to Trump (video)

Large portions of the Republican party have been quietly ditching Trump in favor of DeSantis, seeing him as the more useful fascist. But when Trump’s legal troubles with the FBI started, the party realized it needed to rally around him. Jones apparently didn’t get the memo, and did his pro-DeSantis message at just the wrong time.

It really shows how Jones isn’t some weird fringe dude, but very much marching in lock-step with the Republican party as a whole in many ways. He’s always looking to see where they’re going and changing course to match (but sometimes doing so too late, apparently).

I suspect the opposite - that the full context isn’t actually any better for Jones, as he wasn’t wildly taken out of context by the fake news media, as he’d like Trump to believe. He knows Trump won’t actually watch it, so he can say whatever he wants to about the content to try to mollify Trump.

Trump loves it when people who were against him bend the knee and pretend to love him. (It shows his power over them, his ability to make people debase themselves.) He’s far less forgiving for people who strongly support him, and then don’t (sufficiently support him, in his view) at a later date, even if they backpedal. That’s a betrayal.


Citation needed.


Beautifully put.



I get what you’re saying, but I think assuming Jones is dumb is probably not a good thing. Sure, that’s the act, but in reality this man is going to still clear a massive profit, has likely offshored or hidden enough of his funds that will never be recouped, will never see a day of jail or any serious penalty, and that kind of belies the whole “he’s an idiot with a dinky brain” thing. He’s literally grifting AFTER losing multiple lawsuits on the same grift and it’s WORKING. And he’s hiding the money and is probably going to get away with it.

He’s a fucking evil man who is very, very good at what he’s doing, and pretending he’s some kind of moron misses that he’s still going to walk out of this with hundreds of millions of dollars.


Oooh, a post featuring the two future subjects of the obituaries I am looking forward to reading the most.


and he’s smoking to what @Melizmatic said, too.


Is it just a coincidence that this article appeared on BB right next to another one titled “Great Danes kill their owner?”

Note that Jones addresses his message to “Mr. President”, a convenient way of letting him claim it was actually addressed to Biden when it suits Jones’ purpose.


He’s evil, yes, and a professional grifter, yes. But he is also a moron.

It’s incredibly hard to keep pushing snake oil without starting to believe your own bullshit. :ox: :poop:


Only it’s not an organised party, not even an organised rabble like the brownshirts. It’s more of a murmuration of fascists, and sometimes when the flock changes course, some individual components of it get confused and end up splatted across a window. The flock doesn’t notice, and continues on.


It is the embodiment of the id.


Beautifully put.

(Wouldn’t have worked with the more possibly apt plural noun: a murder of fascists.)


People really miss the point of grifters when they try to define a hard barrier between what someone truly believes and their public performance.

It doesn’t matter with the terminally insincere. They will say and do anything that will hurt others in order to profit.

And yeah, he’s definitely a moron like all of these swollen ticks screaming red-in-the-face but people love listening to morons speak, street preachers these days don’t go broke at a certain level. Nothing so far has hurt his rise.

It is the extent of the Republican party.


He’s not JUST playing a character, like he claimed during his custody hearing, he’s ALSO out of his MIND. He didn’t even understand that he forfeited the chance to “defend” himself in his trial when he refused to comply with court orders, leading to a conviction without trial. He’s ranting about how the judge has a button that disrupts the YouTube feed, and that she’s working for Soros and the “Globalists” (he means Jews). He’s out of his mind.


I won’t speculate his mental health, but I feel like the more wild theories are cast out by people like him, Lindell, Rudy, and even 45, the broader their appeal. Shotgun enough absurd stuff into the atmosphere and you’re bound to bring down a sucker/listener/viewer/donor.

That these messages are barely consistent and often contradictory hardly matters. The intended audience is well-attuned to their preferred echo chamber and can easily dismiss opposing ideas as a ploy by the libs, mainstream media, Hillary, and/or “groomers.” [Vomits a little in back of mouth.]

It’s not four-dimensional chess, but spew enough things in enough directions and it will reach all the one-dimensional thinkers and their wallets and eyeballs. Keep them enraged and the money and votes will flow. Who cares what the message is: just be LOUD.


All right AI, I might have meant -snorting- his own tail. Perceptive enough for a Tuesday.


You ask the most important question. (No snark.)

The answer is: nobody knows, but more importantly nobody CAN know. It is no good putting Trump or Jones on the simulated psychiatrist’s couch. It is hopeless to try to disentangle the hundreds of schemes crafted by the hundreds of schemers that surround each. It is a now self-sustaining ball of nonsense that will burn like a coal seam fire, which is to say it’s dangerous and toxic and will still be going a hundred years from now.

No fact will explain any of this. No theory is going to wrap around it. If it were just the act of an insane person, we might have a foothold, because “crazy” can have its own internal logic. But at this point it’s barely even recognizable as pathological individual and human social behavior, much less rational. (I’m talking about the whole surreal landscape, not just this one weird thing Jones did.)

Do not try to plug this into your larger theories about Trump or Jones or anyone who even vaguely reminds you of them. Back slowly out of the room and lock the door behind you.




It’s a different form of religion than most religions that we’re used to, but it has many of the same characteristics.
The primary characteristic is orthogonality to logical analysis.