All Cops Are Buttheads

Holy shit, invoking the 5th seems kind of self-incriminating all by itself in this setting!


I’m kinda stuck on the excuse that the crash was non-preventable because the police chief had to run away from a crime in progress.


“We allege that Sandra Birchmore survived years of grooming, statutory rape and then sexual violence all at the hands of Matthew Farwell, who was employed throughout their relationship as an officer and then detective with the Stoughton Police Department. And when it became clear to Mr. Farwell that he could no longer control Ms. Birchmore, he silenced her permanently,” acting U.S. Attorney Joshua Levy said during a press briefing on Wednesday.

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It sucks that it takes cops trying to terrorize a public figure to get the public to pay attention, but this one is particularly egregious. It seems to come down to “this [Black man] was not sufficiently deferential to my authority” response from a fascist cop. Not really expecting a huge change, but this one seems to have reached more folks than most. Especially since the cops where extra special buttheads in a very public way.


During a panel discussion at Police Superintendents’ Association conference, he revealed AI is already under trial to “effectively automate” police paperwork.

He called for forces to rapidly embrace the innovation to help ease pressures created by preparing statements, crime reports and prosecution files.

Marsh, a former chief constable of Avon and Somerset Police, said: “Case files: possibly the most bureaucratic, complex and troublesome work that your teams are responsible for, riddled with error and disappointment.

“The technology currently exists, I’ve seen it, it’s under trial to effectively automate the whole thing.


Like heroin into the bloodstream?

So a bad idea, illegal, and every cop that tries it will be thrown in jail?


I had to reread the article twice to verify that it was in fact a direct quote, and apparently it is.



Hey ChatAI, Write a field report on the incident today. Make sure to state that we were in no way responsible for shooting that unarmed kid and there are perfectly good reasons why our cameras were off.


Brought to us by a leader of the same gang keeping the public in the dark about their activities (even police blotters are disappearing). If they really need help with so many prosecutions, why is it so difficult to raise public awareness about all the arrests being made? What strikes me about what they do publish is that there are very few incidents in those reports. Maybe AI could make recommendations for staffing cuts to save money for municipalities instead.

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Doesn’t ever seem to matter how famous a black man is when brutalized by police, nothing changes. The result of this “objective” internal review will be the same as all others - “the officers involved follow department procedures and committed no wrongdoing.”

I’ve come around to the notion that the to way to reform policing in the US is to abolish it. Start over. Fewer officers, no military surplus equipment, outlaw “broken windows”, direct at least half the budget to community services. For officers, set a minimum floor for intelligence instead of a maximum ceiling.


:thinking: What is up with New York cops committing crimes related to bars and alcohol?

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“Since parents, you don’t want to raise your kids, I’m going to start raising them," Chitwood said. "Every time we make an arrest, your kid’s photo is going to be put out there. And if I can do it, I’m going to perp walk your kid so that everybody can see what your kid’s up to.”


Re-listened to this today.
It’s from 2022 but it’s as damning today as it was on Day 1.
TW: it’s got stuff about weapons and guns in it and people getting really really injured. And IRL police officers either actively avoiding attackers, or taking a very tardy if not entirely passive stance on violence against humans.

tl;dr (as so many have said in this thread) = no duty to protect or serve

Since the massacre that took the lives of 19 schoolchildren in Uvalde, Texas, people across the world began to ask versions of one question: why did police wait outside the door instead of protecting the kids?

It’s not the first time this question has come up. Two years ago, as she watched police respond to the protests that followed the death of George Floyd, Producer B.A. Parker wondered: what are police for ? With the help of our Producer Sarah Qari, she found that the United States’ Supreme Court had given this a most consequential and bewildering answer.

We decided to re-air this episode to shed light on how a case from 2005 upended our assumptions about the role police are meant to play in our lives.

Some have already come up with their own answers: more gun ownership: