Alleged menstrual blood tosser ordered away from California Capitol

Originally published at:


Might be viral marketing stunt for a certain woman`s candle?


“That’s for the dead babies.”



Yeah, sure, ask the rabid religious nutball who thought throwing menstrual blood was a legitimate discourse tactic to keep away from the Capitol. I’m sure she’ll see that’s the reasonable course of action.


A very large proportion of folks who have restraining orders against them aren’t reasonable, rational people who can be counted on to abide by the rules set down by the court. It’s more of a way of guaranteeing that if they DO show up then someone has legal authority to slap them in cuffs and drag them away.


Christ, what an asshole!


Guy is a right tosser both figuratively as well as literally

protesting vaccination legislation*

The Aristocrats!

*I think we can guess which side of that she was on…





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It probably contains several of them.


We should have done it at the last inauguration… :wink:


Hey, some of us are old enough we still use the phrase “hey guys” for a group of people of any gender. If it works for the group it works for the singular. I say things like “hey man” or “hey dude” to female friends all the time.

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Guys plural for either or both genders? Fine. Guy singular? No. The words ‘guy’ and ‘she’ are never cromulent in the same sentence - written or spoken, implied or explicit. But that’s just me.

I’m sort of regretting giving you an in to play the role of the taskmaster so I’ll kill the thread by admitting weed is legal here and I just thought the headline was funny. You can put away the yardstick and horse crop now, forum friend.

In the future, I’ll stick to leaving safe comments like “wow this person who did a bad thing in the news is a bad person and I disapprove of it because I’m not like that person, just so everyone knows”

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You decide you can kill the thread and I’m the taskmaster?

Whatever, killjoy.


ETA And seeing as you’ve edited your post regarding the sorts of comments you’ll make in future, since I wrote this reply, I’ll note that I had no issue with your comment in general. Quite the contrary. I liked the play on words re ‘tosser’. But I genuinely wondered if you had misunderstood the article or not read it properly when you said guy- hence my first response.

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I call inanimate objects “dude” all the time.

Same. Any device acting up: “c’mon, dude!” Or pointing out a specific item: “this guy over here.”

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I’m from So. Cal, so everybody and everything gets a duuuuuude regardless of sentience or gender.

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