Almost all major advertisers have fled Elon Musk's Twitter, new data shows

I hope Mr Musk sees this post, because I have best idea ever to save the mighty Twitter from the Woke mob.
He should charge everyone $10 per week to post on the site. Just think, 250 million user times $10 per week each, that’s… well it’s a lot alright?
Also everyone thinks he’s great and will totally be on board.
You’re welcome Elon.


I don’t give passes to people trying to kill the rest of the world (so to speak), but I suspect that part of any “pass” has to do with his opposition to Hitler’s policies, and much more so on his knowing of the plot to assassinate Hitler and remaining silent… thereby giving his consent. (Personally, I don’t understand how he rates a pass because of his leadership rep. Anyway, enough about Nazis – back to Musk who is… near… to being… a… Nazi.)


Poo emoji will always stand tuff with Musk

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And yet, there he was, running his war in North Africa.

None of that his impresses me either… Just like I’m no impressed by the assholes jumping off the Trump train. There is still a deep well of complicity, and an embrace of, you know, FASCISM at play. :woman_shrugging:


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