Americans destroy hitchhiking robot

VX gas.

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While not nearly as socially acceptable as it once love - hitch hiking was never really that dangerous. Yes bad things happen, but like ā€œstranger dangerā€ the high profile cases over took the millions of safe rides people took per year.

I think people in generally were friendlier and perhaps more trusting to a degree. No one hardly says a word to someone they donā€™t know anymore.


Yeah, back then, my buddy and I were the types who, if picked up by Hunter S. Thompson in the desert, would have gladly pooled our stash, and tried to tag along.

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Love of death, destruction.
Explains a good part of human history.
Destruction may be as attractive to our psyche as construction, as well as easier.
WOW, I just gave the reason for Twitter!
Sorry Civilization, thereā€™s much that wants your destruction. Like the human heart.

Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking must be happy that at least in America people are willing to stand up against the Singularity. Sure, today, it was just a cute hitchhiking robot, but in time it could have developed into a Skynet-like tyrant enslaving us all.


Yeah, Iā€™m betting he wears a Trilby too.


IIRC John Waters was hitch hiking across country recently.


The most annoying thing about the story, is that very little is made of the capabilities of this ā€œrobotā€. Is it autonomous? Probably not. Is it telepresence? A guy in a suit? A cardboard box with a face painted on it? ā€œRobotā€ could mean any of these things, and it doesnā€™t look like this hitching ā€œthingā€ is any of those. Iā€™m kind of frustrated that itā€™s hard to have a debate around autonomous weapons systems when even a basic term like ā€œrobotā€ has so much wiggle room.


Ladies, Gents, and Robots:

Rodney Anon Ā© from The Dead Milkmenā„¢


The destruction of this robot does not bother me.

What bothers me is that the Americans failed to use a robot to do it!!!111


You know what? I like him. Heā€™s not like all the other people here in the trailer park.



Iā€™ve done a fair bit of hitchhiking, East and West coast, and only once, in the dead of night on the Eastern Shore of Delaware getting a ride from a bowl-cut blonde dude driving an old Ford LTD-ish vehicle that was full of old magazines andā€¦stuff, was I scared and expecting malice. He was a prison guard in MD who had been fired as a prison guard in DE for soliciting prostitutes, he asked me, repeatedly, what the girls were like at UD, and he was simply one of the creepiest people Iā€™ve ever met. Didnā€™t have any weapons, but I kept my hand on the door latch at all times and was fully prepared to bail if needed That whole night was bizarre.


They say variety is the spice of life. But I gotta say I had a much better time when my friend the psychopath forced me out of my house and into just bizarre, dangerous situations.

I practically live like a shut-in these days and itā€™s been getting to me. I donā€™t get bored, as the internet exists, but I miss having friends and doing things. By the time Iā€™m actually awake enough to drive or go anywhere on the weekends, thereā€™s none of my normal favorite stuff available. And when I get off work, the bars are already on last call, and I donā€™t like bars anyway.

So really, I could stand to be threatened by a weird stranger in the middle of the night. Might be enough to knock me out of my squalid little rut.


I thought this was always the first emissary:

(note the close resemblance)

You can tell in the picture that this must have been the very first emissary because this poster is from 1951! Thatā€™s like 0b1111101000 years ago in robot years.

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Everyone needs at least one friend like this! Maybe you could be that friend for someone else?


Iā€™m not kidding when I use the word ā€œpsychopathā€ either. Heā€™s an interesting cat. But Iā€™m glad he lives two states away now, and canā€™t really ever come back. Itā€™s better for both of us that he lives in a state that has more mountain goats than people.

Whoever did this is an embarrassment. :rage:

Obviously, the robot acted in a threatening manner and the person feared for their life.


Hitchhiking Robot v2.0 must be able to defend itself.