Originally published at: An angry Karen cut rope that was supporting painters at high-rise | Boing Boing
Attempted murder seems like the right charge.
Look closely. This is our future in the USA.
She left them with the short end of the rope.
Well, one problem with her logic anyway, not sure if that is the only problem with her reasoning that day…
Could we please shelve the ‘Karen’ bullshit? The headline on this story would be just as good with “Angry Woman…”
Was going to say “what’s the Thai equivalent of ‘Karen’?” but then I realized that she probably speaks a different language of Thailand:
The Karens have over 400 words for “I want to speak to the manager”
I’m normally a Karen evangelist, encouraging people to call out men Karening as well.
But I think I agree with you at least on this one. I don’t think this is a case of Karening.
karen? no. this is something else entirely.
Will we ever know the truth?
Seconded, I don’t love the term Karen, but it has a specific context and this article isn’t that context.
Maybe reckless endangerment? Seems unlikely for this sort of work that a lone rope would be a single point of failure.
Okay, can someone clarify for me - is this person being called a Karen because they belong to a linguistic group or is it in the North American pejorative sense? I’m confused, but also, neither use seems appropriate in this situation.
She’s just a horrible person.
Knot on my watch.
A lot of it depends on how the rigging was done, really.
Interfering with said rigging should absolutely be attempted murder charge, especially if you know someone is using that rigging. that’s the same level of horribleness as cutting brake lines on a car.
hang about people
They use two ropes. One for the load, and one for safety (belay). She cut the safety rope so they couldn’t proceed until a second belay was rigged up.
Yeah, when I read the headline I was like “are they misapplying a term exclusively reserved for entitled white women to a completely inappropriate context where that same word refers to a people who are currently threatened with genocide and probably shouldn’t be glibly mocked?”
As it turns out, that was the case. Yikes.