I’m not going to ask how he’s going to point it out
Women’s clothing confuses me. The clothing is transparent yet should not actually reveal anything we have a taboo about showing in public Showing underwear is considered trashy unless it’s tastefully done (e.g., a camisole) Clothing is more revealing than men’s clothing, and layering is more complicated, making body temperature harder to regulate Fashions change every season, yet as a man I can get away with a button-down shirt or sweater, jeans, and comfortable shoes and be set for decades oh, and speaking of comfortable shoes
Try having to wear it sometime; you’ll really be confused afterward.
You only forgot “And we stuck a completely random number on it for sizing. Or maybe a letter. Or maybe both!”
Nails are so very crude,
And not just because I am a man, or because women’s clothing is designed for people a foot shorter and 80 pounds lighter than me.
If I found women’s clothing that fit me, and tried it on as an objective observer, I’m sure many aspects of wearing it would confuse me as well.
Yeah, men’s clothing is more straightforward. There is no vanity sizing. A 37" sleeve corresponds to a sleeve measurement of 37". Size 32 pants correspond to a waist size of 32" (or 34" for jeans… okay, there’s a little vanity sizing). This is useful when buying clothes online because there’s nothing your size in the brick-and-mortar stores.
Speaking of which, I hear the brick-and-mortar stores expect women to be all the same shape (roughly the shape of a 12-year-old boy) and under 5’10" tall.
That was basically what I meant about women’s apparel being confusing, even for women.
Yup. Especially if you wear a white shirt, for example. Well, unless your skin is also really light, I suppose. Makes a huge difference.
It’s actually harder for men. Men’s undershirts usually come in only white or black. If you’re dark-skinned, a white undershirt under a white dress shirt is very obvious. Black is better, but still not as good as if there were a range of nude for men as well.
Start-up idea?
Well, there is the standard that businessmen wear an article of clothing (tie) that reduces blood flow to the brain 15-30%.
Oh, wait, we weren’t using that organ, anyway.
Great, now I feel like a pervert for considering the complications caused by contrasting underwear blindingly obvious.
Does it really? How tight do you tie your ties?
crosses fingers I hope that’s not a euphamism for "pyramid scheme…
Aaaaaand they’re pretty much sold out of everything nude. Fucking hell.
Try wearing a white women’s shirt. T-shirt or button down doesn’t matter. You will not find any, I mean ANY, that are not at least partly transparent. This goes for pretty much any light color as well. So if you do not wear underclothing that matches your skin, your underclothing shows. And that is considered crass.
Really, it’s not hard to understand. Saying you don’t understand just means you didn’t bother to try, and I’m not sure why you’d admit that as though it were something to be proud of.
You say “choice of clothing materials” as though there is some other option.
Women’s clothing is simply not made in a sturdier material.
Again, you seem to be taking pride in not thinking.