An on-going thread of Trump's Legal woes

You really think people are more likely to let Trump off the hook if he doesn’t win the presidency, after all the allowances people have been making for it? That’s not even disappointment with how things are going, because it’s the opposite.


Also, if anyone thinks that Fani Willis will just give up and let them get away with this shit isn’t paying attention to the case at all. I think after the interlude with regards to the Wade relationship, she’s likely more determined than ever to see this thing through. She does not seem like a woman who will takes her job lightly…


Imagine being a prosecutor and having the chance to chip away at any part of an actual terroristic cartel that staged a coup, but not doing that career defining thing instead, because the press and pop culture isn’t buzzed enough about it to make it a loud clusterfuck of witness intimidation since the sitting president is also hostile to treasonous pedos with dictatorial aspirations.

There’s probably an animal themed parable in there about such a person.

Like having that on your record would have political value across your career. For that reason alone I would think at least some group of people who haven’t fucked up enough to not be competent prosecutors would find that challenge appealing.

I think the shallower consumers of culture will move on fast, but there’s a lot of money and broken laws to try at this point in a lot of different States.


I don’t know about people in general, but I do recognize that the makeup of the Supreme Court is what it is, and the finish line for the FL and GA actions is receding, not getting closer, compared to the beginning of the year. In a perfect world, I’d have hoped that both of those trials would have gone to verdict by now, but unfortunately it didn’t play out that way.

Of course it’s just speculating because my crystal ball isn’t any better (or worse) than anyone else’s, but I think it’s at least as likely as not that the immunity ruling combined with whatever hash the Supreme Court makes of the special counsel issue will add years to these cases. With any luck, that will run out the clock of the defendant’s time on earth.

Some people just want to ‘sink.’ It’s way easier than trying hard, consistently.



I too haven’t read the decision, but has Judge Merchan ordered Trump to surrender his passport and/or for the Secret Service agents traveling with Trump not to allow him to leave the country? If Trump loses the election (:crossed_fingers:) do you really think he’ll still be around for his sentencing? Or will he be in a country that’ll refuse to extradite him back to the United States? Saudi Arabia, Russia, or maybe even North Korea come to mind.


Nah; Kim Jong Un is just not that into 45.


Oh man, I now WANT him to try to flee to North Korea. Kim Jong Un would sell him out in a heartbeat. C’mon Trump, make “pulling a Private King” a thing.


or maybe they Warmbier him and beat him to a vegetable.


I don’t want him to be made into a vegetable. Not out of any sense of mercy, you know. I want him to be fully aware of the walls closing around him.


I don’t care what happens to him that much really, he’ll die eventually. I want his organizations raided and bankrupted and his administrative machine broken and I hope the US gov is able to seize a decent amount of money this way because fuck every single atom of their enterprise.


It doesn’t talk about it much here, but in the press conference after today’s legal proceedings in the E Jean Carroll appeal, Trump pretty clearly defamed Carroll again.


At this rate, just give her all his money. He’s never going to stop.


The court proceedings obviously got under his skin because he spent a lot of today’s “press conference” ranting about all the women who have accused him of sexual assault and how they weren’t attractive enough for him to be interested in. Also he repeatedly brought up Monica Lewinsky for some reason.

He even said his lawyers didn’t want him to talk about that stuff during the rant.


Day Today GIF


I’m sure they didn’t. I have no sympathy for them. They knew who he was when they accepted him as a client.



I just keep thinking if it was anybody other than this fucker they would be in a jail cell 6 months ago.


When does he start giving her his money? When does the state of NY start taking his assets? When will be sentenced for his felony convictions?

Waiting GIF


how about all the truth social stock. that way, even if he makes an insane amount of money from shell investors, she’ll get all the profit.

i’m convinced she’d do something the windfall


and no outlet is willing to point out, even if we take him at his word: he’s absolutely willing to assault women so long as they pass his arbitrary measure of attractiveness :confused:


Apparently Trump’s lawyer tried the “pound the table” strategy, in appellate court.

Wait… I’m a spectator in the cheap seats here, but how does that make any sense? There’s no jury, and so there’d better not be any new facts to weigh. This is entirely on the law, procedure, and how the lower court applied it?

And this guy isn’t one of those krakenpods or strip-mall defenders. He’s argued before the Supreme Court. Kind of a White Shoe Ronin.
