Ancient Israelites got high in temple

Danny Nemu - Getting high with the most high: drugs in the bible

The word for cannabis is kaneh-bosm , also rendered in traditional Hebrew as kaneh or kannabus . The root kan in this construction means “reed” or “hemp”, while bosm means “aromatic”. This word appears five times in the Old Testament; in the books of Exodus, the Song of Songs, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel.


came here to say this:

the recipe from the hebrew bible for holy anointing oil lists myrhh, olive oil and a “mysterious” unknown oil called “kaneh bosom”


religious repression is weird


It reminds me of the Christian fundamentalists who want to change every reference of wine in the bible to grape juice, even though we have only known how to stop grape juice fermenting for the last 150 years.


Okay, who gagged the archeologists who normally label anything like that as “part of a sex ritual”?

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