And now presenting the strange case of Dr. Cruz and Mr. Ted (video)

Originally published at: And now presenting the strange case of Dr. Cruz and Mr. Ted (video) | Boing Boing


Dr. Cruz: “He’s dead, Jim. The virus…”
Mr. Ted: “Dammit, Jim! I’m an asshole not a doctor!”


I’m really hoping that whoever runs against him in 2024 will make lots of Cancun references.


Ted Cruz Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live


I hope whoever runs against him reminds voters that Ukraine has been doing a better job keeping the lights on as an invading army bombs their power plants than Texas Republicans did keeping the lights on in a winter storm.


Wow, Ted is almost a likeable human in that “Mr. Ted” clip! A rare moment where he drops the whole “insane right winger automoton” facade. He’s obviously a super smart guy, I maintain that complete idiots like Dr. Ted don’t go to Princeton and Harvard Law. Here’s to hoping we get to see him break character more often.

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Ambitious ≠ Smart
Cunning ≠ Smart
Harvard degree ≠ Smart


You don’t graduate magna cum laude from Harvard Law School and lead an ivy league debate club solely by being ambitious and cunning. It just doesn’t work like that. I think he knows it’s all a shtick, and the remarkable thing about this Mr. Ted clip is we’re seeing him for one brief moment break character.

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Why ANYBODY would take advice from Ted is beyond me.

Jimmy Fallon What GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon


You realize that just makes him even worse, right?


Hells yeah I do. I consider him satan incarnate, in case that’s not clear.


I bet Cruz gives great on advice on:

How to be an asshole.
How to be dishonest.
How to work the system and make profit.
How to fool people into voting for you.
How to be racist and mysoginist.
How to run away to Mexico if it gets cold out.

The list of things he does well is endless, and they can be pretty well summed up by “how to be an asshole”


Everything I’ve read about him indicates he’s a moderately smart guy who’s convinced he’s a genius because he’s limited how he’s been challenged. He’s good at debating. And that’s… pretty much it.

Unfortunately there are some (quite a few, even) complete idiots who disprove that assertion. (E.g. Ben ‘global warming is no big deal - if your house is underwater, sell it’ Shapiro - another person whose rise to fame was based on his debate skills, which actually are incredibly weak, premised on building straw-men to fight).


If clerking for the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court consistitutes “not challenging oneself”, then I’ve led a sheltered life.

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He “sucks”, and yet he’s been elected twice and will be re-elected for the foreseeable future.


the fact that he should be smart enough to know better with all that education but continues to lie, mislead and gaslight people makes him an exponentially worse shitbag in my opinion. he doesn’t believe a word he says and neither should anyone else.


Which, I agree, doesn’t necessarily make him smart. That’s why all these easily impressed idiots who have fallen for the Jordan Peterson/Ben Shapiro Potemkin Village of Intelligence are always bleating “debate him! debate him!” Somebody told these chumps in high school that structured debate was the highest form of discourse and that “winning” one was de facto proof of one’s intellectual superiority… and they ran with it well into adulthood.

IMO, if someone demands a public, structured debate, they’re not to be taken seriously. Debates favor the person who is able to communicate their ideas, good OR bad, effectively. They do not determine the quality of the idea, the efficacy of the policy or ideology being discussed, nor the moral rightness of the debater.

Some of the most foul human beings to ever have existed have been master rhetoricians, able to convince thousands, even millions, to go along with their objectively awful ideas.


They really need the virus to have come from a lab in Wuhan because then (somehow) Trump gets no blame for mishandling the epidemic in the US (I guess?) But mainly it feeds their anti-Chinese hatred. “It was a deliberate plot from the beginning!!”


well in that case they let china kill more than a million americans. also not argument for reelection

im sure this is why they’ve turned to persecuting trans kids. it becomes the news ( and understandably so ) and helps their other failures fade more quickly. there’s just so much they’re incompetent at or malicious about, it’s hard to keep up