“Normal” Xtians were the cross to protect themselves, not not as a display. In fact, in Matthew, Jeebus himself admonishes his followers to pray quietly and discreetly, unlike the people beating their breasts and shouting in public.
Side note Seamus, I enjoyed your idiomatic usage of “ding” in this sentence and hope to remember it for similar future usages myself, thank you, nice writin’
So is My Pillow guy going to be running for xxxxxx Maricopa county sheriff in the future?
Edit per @Bobo ‘s request
fun fact: he actually didn’t say that – it was a reporter writing a review of his show, commenting on people who would choose to go. but it’s been misattributed to Barnum ever since.
It makes ABSOLUTE sense to me that this guy and Trump are BFFs. Talk about peas in a pod. Dishonest to the core, full of bluster and self-importance, “everybody’s agin’ me” mentality, “something something Jesus.”
Perfect for each other.
Is there some kind of a growing list of companies and products to avoid?
Never heard of mypillow but sounds like I should avoid. Also want to avoid anything that advertises on Fox, sponsors any of these people or their associates etc etc.
Speaking of lists - is anybody keeping track of all the things Biden and Harris need to repair once elected? From big things like voiding Wall construction contracts to legislation to removing specific people from their jobs?
IN all seriousness (Yes, I knew that was sarcasm )…guys like him do not irk me. We’ve always had these kinds of hucksters and scam/flim-flam folks in all cultures of human history.
What drives me bananas is the real christian folks who actually do believe and practice their faith with sincerity yet refuse to condemn him, Nostradumbass, and the like. There is specific scriptural examples of Jesus standing up to these people and calling them out… yet these same “good christians” can’t find it in themselves to do the same.
Yeah, in ads from a few years ago you see it dip back into his collar and he quickly makes sure it gets back in the shot. It’s just a dogwhistle.
What got lost in the shuffle was that the “1000-person test” (if it exists, if it had any useful results at all), was conceded by Lindell himself to be a “safety test” (a simple toxicity test?) in 2016, and not have anything to do with efficacy versus Covid.
Also, did anyone just luxuriate in the flop sweat pouring off of Lindell?
I saw that. Shame!
There’s nothing worse than arrogance combined with ignorance, symptomatic of CEOS, TV pastors, and politicians (esp. right wing) everywhere.
Gage Skidmore is a public benefactor. Rather than assigning his copyrights to one of the image hoarder companies, he makes them available for public use.under Creative Commons. A vast amount of images of public figures in Wikipedia articles are his, and there are many more in the Mediawiki Commons.
I mean, wow. That’s such typical Trump bullshit. I’m not a huge fan of the BBB myself but to basically say “nyeeehhh fake company lol!!” is pretty ridiculous.
He also never mentions abortion or homosexuality in the Bible, yet they claim these things make him have a sad. Meanwhile the things he does talk about, such as tolerance, self-sacrifice, helping the needy, and so on get swept under the rug.
The irony? He advertises on CNN, too.
He’ll even pray for you! Awww!
Judging from the buckets of sweat and desperate gibberish he is spouting, I’d say he is still suffering with addiction.
To be fair, that doesn’t say he stopped. Just that he’s a CEO now too.
At this point, if you feel the need to even think this abhorrent thought, don’t give it voice.
You never know where some brain dead TeaGOP member may see something and think… “hey, the Elites and Deep state got rid of our hero tRump… But I really like this guy!”.
I’m generally against censorship of any kind, but when it comes to giving the idiotic masses potential fuel for the dumpster fire they’re making of our country…
Sooo… dRumpf has an Adderall (Biphetamine) habit and Mr. MyPillow has a history as a coke/crack addict - does this friendship begin to make a bit more sense? /s
I know it’s primarily that they’re both just bloviating assholes.
Like a bag of chips, or like a bag of memory foam pieces?