I feel that everyone who is recording these people should ask, Since I am recording this conversation, can you state that in case the doctors are faced with the decision between helping you and helping someone else who is also in critical condition due to covid complications, the doctors should always choose the other person?
I think it would only be fair to have them say that on record.
There is something seriously fucking wrong with US culture. We are so selfish. Cops killing Black people and making them live in fear? Not a Black person, why care? Thousands dying and being permanently injured from a disease everyone could help stop by just wearing some cloth over the face when out? No way! I’d rather be comfortable than do something slightly inconvenient to help protect other people.
I am so tired. Why can’t people treat others with just a little respect?
Things actually went a bit further than that.
Luckily for me I managed to leave a few weeks ago. I cant even begin to tell you how much my mental state has improved. But I feel so bad for everyone else. It is a tragedy.
How much do you want to bet that this same murder-suicide cult, while loudly proclaiming their right to be inconsiderate assholes for literally no reason other than on principle, think that BLM and other people protesting legitimate issues should be shut down?
Is the phrase “This is America” ever not linked to something incredibly stupid?
In WWII they had the option of throwing anyone violating blackout etc.in jail - probably w/o a quick trial due to war powers. Societal pressure was there but everyone knew that there were severe consequences for even appearing to endanger the country.
These people are idiots and only act in their own self-interest - masks are uncomfortable so they pretend it’s a freedom issue. The way to fix their behavior is to levy fines and jail time because they’re too stupid to be reasoned with. Treat them like the selfish children that they are. Once the threat of fines and jail time looms over their heads their ranks will thin to almost nothing.
Done in one. Grew up there. Have parents there who are at risk. Never visiting that state again in the foreseeable future. I’m glad my kiddos got to visit last year to see their grandparents. Sadly, probably for the last time.
Those guys are the reason Shampoo has instructions!
It’s like the “but mah freedumbs” people read “First they came…” and completely missed the fucking point.
well said!
the stupid is too much… sigh.
so dispiriting…
That’s actually a brilliant idea! Give them all a free two week cruise! Then if anyone coming back tests positive, the whole ship is sequestered for another two weeks. No ICUs, but they’ll have their freedom to not wear masks. Then the problem sorts itself out.
Problem: the staff who want none of this foolishness but will be forced to work because money.
You have a right to stay home and not drive, and I have a right to drive my car while consuming alcohol, because America! You totally have a right to stay in your house and not get shot by me, just as I have a right to stand in the middle of the street and shoot at anyone that comes outside of their home, because America!
It’s an old man yelling at a cloud. Okay, so it’s a work in progress.
So how is that any different from not wearing a mask in a pandemic? Is the issue that they don’t understand that wearing a mask doesn’t the wearer, it protects others, who should also be wearing masks to then protect you?
I admire your optimism. What if this isn’t the low point, but just a random midpoint on the way down? These dipshits aren’t going to suddenly get a clue once Trump is gone.
There they are, in public, without masks. No enforcement action is taking place. So there’s their assurance that their rights are intact.
Seems like a pointless protest, if you ask me.
I’m going to assume many of these same folks have previously stated “I don’t want to pay for some smoker’s heart lung cancer treatment.”