Angry religious people wander around Target yelling about bathrooms

So a Star Trek plot wherein some random planet has aliens smuggling explosives disguised as flour would be the pinnacle for you? (Sorry, such an episode does not exist to my knowledge.)

Edit: pinnacle, not pentacle. That would be a completely different show, of course.


When some person is having a tantrum it has been my experience that escalation, say name calling or writing them off does not have as good an outcome as calm reasonable behavior in response. As far as whose responsibility it is “to be the grown-up” why that is everyone’s responsibility. As we can plainly see, the woman full of fear and indignation has abdicated hers.

We can afford to do better than that and not compromise our ideals, can’t we?

I am encouraged by the strong response among the non-marginalized (Obama, Paypal, The Boss, Cirque duSoleil)in taking up the cause of trans-folk. We all fought so hard to get the LG part of LGBT accepted, we aren’t going to throw the bi and trans folk under the bus, loud lad in a Target store. We just aren’t.


Actually flour can be an explosive, under the right oh damn there I go again


Nicely put. I hope it’s true in general practice around the country, not just theory.


Now that’s the Jesus I like. I don’t like Supply Side/MURICA!! Jesus that we have here in the US.


This may be another one of those generational things. When I first started going to queer oriented social gatherings in the early 90’s, the emphasis in “LGBTQ” was very much on the G, with slightly less on the L and sharply falling off after that. (It often felt like a real life example of the And the rest trope.)

These days, I notice the younger queer people, especially on campus, don’t seem nearly as isolated. Yes, it still happens, but it’s called out more often than not when it does. At a minimum, it does give me evidence that things really do get better, if somewhat slowly.



Guns N Roses?! That was a sample from Cool Hand Luke!

Kids today, I swear…


That movie is like essential male viewing…

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