Angry voice mail from Boing Boing reader

I’m gonna need the detailed instructions on how to overthrow the government now. LET’S FUCK SHIT UP!

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Ahh good to see classic exampless of “disappointment in bb”.

Operators are standing by.


As have I. I didn’t delurk for years. The thing is, you’re not completely wrong, since the mods do get rid of the harassment. My specific problem this: I drive a car with license plates that read “DRUNK.” Interesting things happen as a result

101 comments about a guy with “DRUNK” license place and NOT ONE critical of his side-effect of needling everyone in sight who’s lost someone to drunk driving. Not one. I know there should have been at least one, because I left it, without harassing or bigotizing. At that point, I stopped seriously engaging with this website. Until today! Aren’t you lucky.

I just realized you can take this song and make a parody of it, changing the chorus from “tiny voices” to “angry voicemails”.

If you were offended by the tone, did you address that to the comments? Did you mention it to the mods? Did the thing you say get removed?

I’d guess if you’re criticizing the publisher of BB, on BB, on a thread he wrote, it isn’t that surprising that your comment might get moderated.

Maybe. I don’t think the publishers/writers/etc should be above criticism. @turkeybrain states they were offended by the thread, because it seemed to glorify drunk driving. Whether I agree with that or not is immaterial, but it’s not necessarily a bad point to make or off-topic, or offensive… depending on how it’s said.



Uhm, I’ve had posts moderated away for criticizing a BB corporate sponsor. More than once.

I’m not complaining, this is a privately owned site where I’m allowed to post for free, and although I am occasionally censored my text is never rewritten (unlike the way newspapers “edit” letters to the editor, for example).

But I know from experience that moderation here is not limited to merely controlling haters.

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Yeah, I’ve had topics locked, threads deleted, and testy PMs. Par for the course, in fact there should be badges.


where is the sport in that?

Well, you might have left thatcomment in response to a more obnoxious one that got yanked (along with its responses, because combing through comments to make sure only the good die, is nobodies job), and then might have also (and this is the bigger issue) felt entitled to have every pearl of your wisdom maintained to your specs, for free, by someone else.

If you don’t feel like an entitled stakeholder, and act like just another redshirt, everything here is dandy.

If shaking your fists in impotent rage at losing a blog comment is a hobby of yours, and I am not saying it is, but IF it is, then probably best to lurk.

We’re trying to offer you other evidence, because what you describe sounds out of character for the space.

But don’t refute other peoples accounts and then call them unaccountable. Stick around, if you’re being a douche, we’ll DEFINITELY say so before the mods eat you. I’m not familiar with contrary opinion being moderated here, just for existing. Contrarians behaving badly, yes, but not contrary opinions.

I didn’t realize. Remember when/where?

I’m really just used to seeing the ‘turds in the punchbowl’ removed. But I suppose I avoid the sponsored content most of the time, so thats probably part of my own bias on this moderation topic.

Hay, you want a vpn for over 9000% off?


deleted comments are not rare, making fun of the BB staff/BB store relationship got one of mine killed (this is one I noticed, no idea if it happened more than once)

Well I know for sure it happened during the “customize the BoingBoing pollutionmobile thing”. I’m highly critical of fossil fuels and megacorporations that distort national politics, as you might have noticed. I may have suggested setting the car on fire, or testing an oxygen lance on it, or something, but I wasn’t impolite or offtopic.

Like I said I feel the site owners have every right to delete content as they see fit. And they do!

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making fun of the BB staff/BB store relationship got one of mine killed

maybe you made less fun for others than you had thought?

dunno, and I’m not interested in charting the deletion policies. but you said you did not know sponsor-related kills and this is my example.

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