Anonymous Trump official: Don't worry, America, us unelected nameless GOP hacks have quietly executed a coup


Based on the anonymous op-ed, it sounds like a sofa would be a great alternative to Trump. Sofa for President!


I think that “strategy” is probably helped along by the GOP-friendly tax reforms and degregulation mentioned by the anonymous writer. In other words, this so-called resistance will tolerate Trump as long as he produces establishment-GOP goodies.


don’t show this to the dolphins…


Trump’s base is too sexist to follow a woman.

Ugh, so obvious. Needs a reality TV show to round out the edges.

Nah, too soft on crime!


Because, God help us, this is the result that the election system produced. Trump hasn’t suddenly changed - Americans knowingly voted him in pretty much as he is now.

The crisis (although I’m not certain I’d call it a constitutional crisis) is that you don’t replace an elected president simply because the electorate is crazy/incompetent without enormous long-term consequences.

The only way you truly win this is to persuade individuals not to vote for him - there are no shortcuts.


How bout replacing an elected president because he himself is crazy/incompetent?


It’ll be hard to find someone more corrupt than a person who was America’s most prominent public grifter for the past 35 years, but if anybody will be able to do it it will be America’s Know-Nothing 27%.




A lot of them are already worried about the Trump Administration


Reminder that:

a) Trump was not supported by the majority of the voters,

b) Even if he had been it still would not have been the majority of the population,

c) American electoral systems are breathtakingly corrupt,

d) This electoral corruption has always been heavily racialised,

e) The victims of the US military do not give a fuck about political decorum.


While we are Godwinning things here…

Yah, but a popular alternative I see presented in some of the thoughtpieces written on the topic today seem to be tending towards encouraging the Neuremburg Defence.
That the offical(s) should just do their job and carry out orders that they genuinely believe are amoral, illegal, or against the good of the people or the good of the country (as they see it, of course). That no matter how evil you believe the command to be, you should do it anyway because that’s what you are expected to do.
No thanks.

Conscientious disobedience in the face of amoral orders has got to be better than just keeping your head down and doing it anyway. Didn’t we all agree on that half a century ago?
Granted still, that some folk will say that visible conscientious objection may have a higher ‘moral’ ground by standing up and self-sacrificing - the debate is only just starting about whether that course would be as effective in anything but the short-term.

  • This is all just taking the expose at face value, and not reading additional posturing/strategizing etc into it, of course.
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My only slightly hyperbolic paraphrase of this essay is:

“yes, it’s a dumpster fire, but we can probably manipulate him enough to avoid nuclear war, and it’s worth it because of the tax cuts for the rich”.

Not shining moment of patriotism.


maybe it was the administrator his own self , kinda like he was his own press secretary , err , media spokesperson , john miller !! ??


Screw you guys making fun of it. I love Loadstar.


When even a reactionary Republican reptile like David Frum thinks the best course is actual impeachment or removal on 25th amendment grounds, well, that’s something.

Watching the Republican party devour itself from within like this will certainly make the remaining two years before the 2020 elections entertaining

(breaks out a bottle of fizzy and the Schadenfreude popcorn).


That’s only about 50% true. I think most of the people that voted for him were seeing an illusion they produced for themselves; con men need willing victims, people who want to believe the impossible-- nobody gave money to a Nigerian prince because they knew he was a grifter in a coffee shop in London or Lagos. Trump made a ridiculous number of ‘pie in the sky’ promises (you can’t save the coal industry while simultaneously promoting more fracking, and you can’t force Mexico to pay for a wall on their own border, etc. etc. etc.) But people wanted to believe.

Ultimately the real problem in the US right now is that the left and right can’t have a serious conversation about almost anything, because we can’t even agree on ground rules for what constitutes “reality.” People voted for the Trump Illusion, and plenty are bending over backwards to keep that illusion alive, how can any of us reach them when pizzagate and Q-anon make more sense to them than all the admitted contacts with Russians, all the obvious attempts at obstruction, and all the president’s own daily childish stupidity and petty rants? How do we get the sunglasses on their heads?



I keep thinking of this every time I hear lodestar…


I quickly went looking for the appropriate video clip, but alas, all the available instances end, um, predictably.

What kind of word is “lodestar”? That’s going to go down in the books with “refudiate” and “covfefe”.