Another fun Jen Psaki moment when asked if Biden regretted calling Putin a killer

The neoCons were neoliberals as well – the latter was the economic philosophy they were pushing in a particularly aggressive way. PNAC, the primary neoCon think tank for many years, was established in 1997 and emerged out of both the intellectual trends of the 1990s to which you alluded (Fukayama-style triumphalism and also former Trotskyist followers of Leo Strauss) as well as more hands-on interference in the economies of the former Warsaw Pact countries.


So far I’m noting she’s pleasantly combative.

She pushes back but doesn’t come off like an assh*le, like all of Trump’s spokes-jerks did.


I already agree with those all, just that my personal values have very little difference between the killing orders that are part of the job and assassinations. But my main point was not even about that. Here being a progressive space, there’s naturally some slack being cut to the democrat president that came just after the crazy republican one. My observation was that in this specific instance this slack might just be too far, I mean it looks like here’s a celebration of calling another president a killer.

About confusing the country with the regime, the examples I gave (Castro, Nic, Iraq) were to make a more general point of presidents in general being ok with killing others, not to put the blame of those on Biden’s shoulders.

I don’t want to make it a very long discussion and disturb this board that I love, so I once more want to add this is just my subjective observation, and I’m not a troll or something. Just that I was a bit surprised to see this here and wanted to share it.


if world leaders are all killers, then calling them killers is not a blunder


Biden was asked a direct question: is Putin a killer? Any answer other than a “yes” would be disingenuous.

Not much point in trying to flatter Putin, Trump did that for his entire Presidency and it only made Putin respect our country less.


We should elevate all liars, apologists and equivocators to hero status … because, because what about all the other liars, apologists, and equivocators on the other side of the aisle who came before. They were much worse than our lady of the lie. What did she have to say about the completely hypocritical and disingenuous way the Biden administration is handling past marijuana use among staffers? Exactly!

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I am curious if Biden can identify the specific conversation and if there is a transcript that backs it up.
Typically all meetings are attended by multiple people and records a kept. I actually doubt the interaction ever took place but am open to hearing proof this is anything but misguided and dangerous bravado.

Which one of these things is Psaki, and why?

This seems like a non-sequitur. What conversation are you referring to? How does it relate to the original post?


While she’s certainly more polished than the peanut gallery of her recent predecessors, I don’t get the Psaki love.
The job of a WH Press Secretary is to to deliver a sanitized message or none at all in order to protect the agenda of hir Boss.
Obfuscation, diversion, or simply ignoring questions in order to do this is the job. She clearly does this to protect Biden, who, lest we forget, was a gaffe machine and kept away from the mic while Obama was President.
While I appreciate a good number of things that have happened since Trump left, I cannot get behind someone who I know will tell journalists–therefore all of us-- what she has to, rather than the truth. VMMV.

For me it’s just appreciation of competence at the job, not only by the low-bar standards of the preceding regime’s gallery or bumbling clowns but also in general. That’s not to say I and others here don’t know exactly what she’s doing (you nail it), just that she’s doing it artfully and in the service of someone who isn’t an utter piece of garbage.


I hear you. She’s sharp, polished, prepared.
However, integrity matters too much for me to praise a professional propagandist whose job is to deceive the public whenever the public asks too many questions.
I will freely admit my disappointment that Biden was the DNC choice for President and that may influence my “objectivity.”
As I said in general (not to you), VMMV.

Because appeasement is always a winning strategy?

When you’re trying to send a message, you have to make it loud enough for other people to hear.


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