Originally published at: Another tourist at the Tower of London thinks she's at Disneyland, gets screamed at by guard | Boing Boing
I couldn’t actually understand the words, although the command was pretty clear. Seriously, what’s wrong with people that they’ll wander up and grab anyone’s horse’s tack, let alone one on a military guard? (Yes, I know, those are cute, quaint costumes, aren’t they? Yeah, they’re still military. Keep your mitts off of them and the horses.)
Lighten up Francis.
I was gonna say “Please don’t try this nonsense in Disneyland either.”
My SIL is neither a guard nor a performer at Disneyland, but I suspect her reaction to someone doing this to her and her horse would make the guard’s seem downright pleasant.
I’m on your SIL’s side on this matter.
You shouldn’t touch another rider’s reins even if they aren’t wielding a sword.
This is at Horse Guards in Whitehall, not the Tower of London.
“Get back from the Queen’s Life Guard! Do not touch the reins!”
My local pub, in a town that’s quite proud of it’s military history, plays host to a wide variety of military types.
We have a couple of ex-SAS, a few Royal Marines, and a good friend of mine, who is in his mid-seventies, who trained the SAS in ju-jitsu back in the day.
(How do I know this is not bullshit? Because I was foolish enough to ask a man 25 years my senior to show me a move or two before he screwed me up like a fucking pretzel, bless him).
Anyway, there is only one Guardsman there. One of the nicest men you could hope to meet, and one you would also never cross. If a Guard shouts at you, do as you’re flippin’ told.
(You want them in your corner).
Technically, it isn’t “another” tourist.
It’s the same one.
And I have to say, I’m relieved. Not because it says anything about humanity, but because I’ve been feel like I keep seeing the same news stories over and over again, here, but also everywhere. Watching the video, I was like, ok, I KNOW I saw that here before.
And soldiers aren’t police. Ask me how I know.
Must I?
Go on then, how do you know?
Honestly, joking aside, bit intrigued now…
shouldn’t it be the KING’S life guard now?
Evidently it’s an old clip.
Either way I’m surprised they can train horses for water rescues.
Strikes me these are the same kind of people who go to Yellowstone and try to get selfies with bears and bison.
I do wonder, however, what if the tourist did not let go of the colonizing family’s horse equipment? Would she have been arrested? Kinda doubt that. Beaten by the bloke? Mmmm, only if he’s had a pint or two in him already. What if she screamed back that it’s not the original building from the eighteenth century anyway, since everything on that island got the snot blown out of it 75 years ago.

Would she have been arrested?
There is a permanent (armed) police presence in the arch behind his position, they would have had a word, probably not going as far as arrest.
So they can’t cut your hand off? Bummer. Nice saber though, looks sharp.

What if she screamed back that it’s not the original building from the eighteenth century anyway, since everything on that island got the snot blown out of it 75 years ago.
Then she would be wrong.