Originally published at: Anthony Boudain's method to find the best food in a city: "provoke nerd fury online" | Boing Boing
Isn’t this likely to be interpreted as mansplaining?
So you are putting the theory into practice on the first response?
Why not?
If the shoe fits…
Yup, I can guarantee if you post anywhere a Buffalo native can see it that The Anchor Bar is the best place for wings you’ll be bombarded with at least a dozens alternatives.
Yah, but, that generates answers from shitty people, probably. Do you want their opinions? This strikes me as choosing quantity of information over quality. Why not ask some local chefs for their favourites? Isn’t that, like, Bourdain’s job?
I think he was afraid of missing out on some hole in the wall that no one but an obsessive has ever heard about.
Bourdain’s secrets won’t work at scale. If more than a few people try this, it’ll be recognized as trolling.
8 posts were split to a new topic: The scourge of mansplaining
Needs more @frauenfelder
SP… Bourdain
I think he did that on purpose to inflame all the Bourdain nerds here.
And now he knows where the best restaurants are?
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