Anti-circumcision activist pepper sprays a man threatening him with a knife

Note, though, that all those other health issues you mention are immediate health concerns for the child.

Virtually none of the “health concerns” mooted in support of infant circumcision are concerns for infants or young children.

No child will suffer for a parent not circumcising them, unlike all your other examples, where the consequences will occur during childhood, often before meaningful consent is even possible.

Circumcision is only a health concern for sexually active adults (or at least adolescents). If potentially sexually-active young men or their partners want the benefits of circumcision, they can always have the procedure done (like I did) with proper anesthesia and antisepsis in a medical facility. It’s a simple outpatient procedure.

There is NO medical need for a parent to make that decision on a healthy infant’s behalf. NONE.

So, yes, of course parents must handle consent issues for young children in cases of medical need. Nothing I’ve said disputes that or suggests otherwise.

But those are entirely different things than infant circumcision.