Anti-masturbation groups are warm, damp place for extremist beliefs to fester

If it means these morons aren’t reproducing then I fail to see a downside.

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A warm, damp…■■■■■ your talking about a ■■■■■ environment .


If you broke both your arms I’m sure your mother could help out…

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This has nothing to do with who is reproducting.

Proud Boys, Incels, Anti-Masturbation zealots and other toxic masculinity cultists aren’t born, they’re indoctrinated via online cesspools.


Manosphere: The Hands of Fate?

Torgo: “The Masterbator will not be pleased!”


Women patrons of Dr Kellogg’s spa may have had no use for masturbation after having had a rejuvenating sit on his healthsome vibratory chair. Among other effects, it would increase the supply of healthy oxygen to the body, presumably coming in gasps.



Surely it’s the pro-masturbation groups that are warm and damp…


Kellogg’s weird obsessions extended to both sexes.

So great was the depravity of this girl, however, that she had no notion of making a permanent reform. She even boasted of her wickedness to a companion, and announced her intention to continue the practice. We sent her home, and apprized her parents of the full facts in the case, for which we received their deepest gratitude, though their hearts were nearly broken with grief at the sad revelation made to them. Notwithstanding their most earnest efforts in her behalf, the wretched girl continued her downward career, and a year or two after we learned that she had sunk to the very lowest depths of shame.
Once this now wretched, disgraced creature was an attractive, pure, innocent little girl. Her adopted father lavished upon her numerous presents, and spent hundreds of dollars to obtain her recovery to health. Yet through this awful vice she was ruined utterly, and rendered so wholly perverse and bad that she had no desire to be better, no disposition to reform. God only knows what will be her sad end. May none who read these lines ever follow in her footsteps.

As I recall, the prescriptions that Kellogg offered were ghastly.


The problem is that they are reproducing. Specifically, that they are spreading toxic ideologies through online forums.


I read the article, and I have sympathy for some of the people who used to be in the nofap movement but left. The common thread seemed to be lack of comprehensive sex-ed often overlapping with a strict conservative Christian upbringing. I wonder how much shame and self loathing leads others to get duped into the manosphere nofap movement.


Self abuse is better than no abuse.


I suspect the pro-masturbation groups sell better calendars for their fund-raising efforts, too.


Eh, I just broke a leg so I’m mostly in bed, but arms are OK at least.

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Theses people should just eat some graham crackers


They would love to take us way back and (unsuccessfully) address their concerns by forcing circumcisions.


This is what is so striking about anti-masturbation: masturbation is about as quick and easy as quick fixes get. So how on earth does anti-masturbation attract people looking for a quick fix? I’m not casting doubt - I believe this is exactly what is happening. But the why of it puzzles me. Or maybe more accurately, the how the fuck did you get there?

HumanOS has some weird weird bugs.


Even Fappy the Dolphin finds these people disturbing.


As usual, it comes down to a thwarted sense of entitlement and a pissy, self-destructive reaction instead of a reasonable one when they don’t get what they believe they’re due. As you say, a weird bug, but one we see playing out in all sectors of the American right (of which the “manosphere” is definitely a part).


its “anti-masturbation”, not “anti-fuck-my-humble-and-submissive-wife-to-function-as-birth-machine-for-my-holy-clones” /s


I understood Mandrake to be inspired by some bastardised Taoist notions that were sloshing around in the zeitgeist at the time, that the best kind of sex is the kind without ejaculation. The Yin and Yang powers are both aroused, but the guy gets the benefit of his partner’s Yin essence without giving her any of his own Yang essence in return. That’s how you live to be 500.

DISCLAIMER: I have not yet lived to be 500 so I cannot swear that it works.