AOC on why voting in this election is so important

Originally published at:


AOC is a skillful practitioner of realpolitik! I’ve appreciated her pushback against the “anti-Biden left”


I might not agree 100% with Biden on everything, but I strongly disagree with Trump on everything.


Other elections are not important?

Did she say that other elections weren’t also important?

But sometimes, yeah, some elections prove to be more critical than others. When an actual fascist is on the ballot, and has a detailed plan for ending democracy, then perhaps it matters a bit…

Hell, the next to the LAST election (2016) has proven to be incredibly important, since the outcome included some of us actually losing some basic rights. :woman_shrugging:


Considering that the outcome of this election may well determine whether we get to have any more free and democratic elections I’d say it falls under “even more important than usual.”



During the pandemic, a customer in a long line at the grocery checkout line was berating the single cashier working, because he was the single cashier working. I regret not berating him, but I really didn’t want to engage with a possibly unvaccinated idiot. I considered telling him to go on the grocery store website and apply for a job as a cashier.

ETA: I did make sure to thank the cashier, and tell him I appreciated it.


She is notorious for doing her homework on a subject. Far more than her opponents do. Which is why she frustrates and annoys Republicans so much. She comes prepared and runs circles around people who are all bluster.


It also pisses them off that a younger woman is smarter than they are…


The US election isn’t a choice between eating a shit sandwich, or a different shit sandwich, or not eating any shit sandwiches. One or other of the sandwiches is going to be on everyone’s breakfast table the next morning, whether you vote or not.


Quoting David Sedaris on the choices foisted upon Americans by their two party system:

I think of being on an airplane. The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. “Can I interest you in the chicken?” she asks. "Or would you prefer the platter of shit with bits of broken glass in it? To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked.


Of course, Sedaris uses chicken as something that may or may not be preferred but is presumably still safe for everyone. The point of Moxon’s article was that maybe we should care how many people have been catching salmonella from the raw chicken they’re forced to take.


I just want to say that I hope to be able to see “President Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez” in a future headline. That is all.


As a socialist in Sweden. I am a bit baffled by the americans left approach to Joe Biden. Looking to the actual politics carried out by his administration is more progressive than any american president since the neoliberal breakthrough, in some ways his policys are more progressive than most things done by any Swedish social democratic goverment the last 20 years.

The approach to the atrocities in Gaza are of course to weak, but still, this adminstration has at least started to boycott organisations and even parts of IDF (I think however that the pressure of protests and activists is pushing the US goverment to behave) carrying out atrocities on the west bank. A republican administration, especially a Trump one would just bless the atrocities.


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