Apartment complex evacuated due to man cooking urine

There’s a fringe belief that drinking your own urine is good for you. They cite as evidence people who were in dire survival situations (think lost at sea or stranded in the desert) who resorted to drinking their own urine and then managed to survive against all odds. It’s best not to think about it too much.

I once turned on the stove without noticing the cat had peed on it. To this day it is the worst thing I’ve ever smelled.


That was offal.


I (accidently) did this once in a high school science class as part of an assigned experiment. (It was NOT part of the assignment to BURN it.) Let’s just say the rest of the class was quite unhappy. Let’s also say I was quite embarrassed.

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So, the apartment building smells like the Broad Street Line in Philly?

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