Apple relents; Twitter is now X in the app store

Things will get nasty when there’s inevitable confusion between the hyphen, the en-dash and the em-dash.


… Or their building. /rimshot

nonono- the company that C&W bought was originally called Exodus. IIRC, they did co-locations and data centers for the most part.

I’m trying to remember if Global Crossing was tangled up in any of that, seeing as I worked there in 99-2001. (Global Crossing had, up until my tenure there, acquired a number of other companies and telecos, so there were rather a few name changes; There was Global Crossing, Global Center, Frontier (the NY state Telco) and any number of smaller regional and local ISPs (our local one was Primenet). I think they changed names about as often as they changed CEOs… I do remember doing some work in one of the Exodus co-locations were we had a presence, though.

Edit: after poking Wikipedia… Yeah, that makes sense. Exodus bought GlobalCenter from Global Crossing, and most of the data centers and co-lo I went to had either just finished changing the signage to Global Crossing when that happened, or were still branded with Global Center. What a mess.

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