Archaeology Today

The episode seems to have aired since then.

I didn’t listen to it (you’d have to pay me a lot of money to listen to either Joe Rogan or Graham Hancock, and an inordinate amount plus a feudal hold over a small principality to listen to both), but I have read some of the comments under the YouTube video (which I won’t link here).

While many of the comments belittle Flint as expected based on his appearance or mannerisms and many just declare Hancock the winner without further evidence, there are some very encouraging ones, like this one

@michaelblurry6559 I came into this as a Graham Hancock fan but I’m about 90 minutes in and he seems like a total charlatan at this point already. Lol even the way he gets so easily triggered is so reminicisent of conversations I’ve had calling people out on their BS. We’ll see how this plays out by the end

or this one

I’m not halfway yet but as a fan of Hancock I gotta say Dibble is coming in strong.

or this one

I came into this debate as a huge Hancock fan (still am) and expected him to own. However 2 hours in and Dibble has actually been more persuasive to me. Graham can speculate and hypothesis (and it is fun and interesting to do so) but at the end of the day, the bar is extremely high for scientifically accepted evidence.There is scant evidence to support an “advanced” civilization 12k plus years ago. Sure it is possible, but the evidence is not there

That said, I also saw a lot of comments along the lines of this one

I’ve been watching Graham for years thanks to Joe. But Flint Dibble is also very enjoyable to listen to. Good to see a nice conversation but two professional. Nobody can be 100% right in any profession, it’s also healthier to listen to other opinions


Regardless of what’s being discussed. This is a huge win for academia. The most viewed/heard academic debate in human history happened here today!

They actually seem to believe Hancock is a professional archaeologist or at least operates at the same level as Flint and that this is an academic debate. So there is also merit to the criticism that Flint is legitimising Hancock. Then again, they already believed that, and every person turned away from pseudoscience counts. So I think Flint’s appearance was probably a net positive.

(Also, for those understandably wondering about the name: Flint Dibble’s father was noted palaeolithic archaeologist Harold Dibble, who apparently had a sense of humour and devotion to his profession. His brother is called Chip)