Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/04/15/water-pipe-dig-in-england-unea.html
I love that when it’s brown or illiterate people it’s “human sacrifice”, and otherwise it’s just capital punishment.
“Evidence elsewhere suggests that burials in pits might have involved human sacrifice.”
Possible headline adjustment: “Water pipe dig in England unearths site that, based on evidence discovered elsewhere, might have involved human sacrifices, but possibly not, so we will avoid a sensational headline that would generate more clicks on this article”
I dig water pipes.
I saw “water pipes” and thought I was about to enjoy another good stoner story, boy was I wrong.
Three thousand years old? Then there’s no way I could be accused, right? Right?
pretty sure , but nothing is impossible.
How old are you?
don’t interrogate him mel brooks was the perp
“May he who has not Bogarted, be the first stoned.”
“The remains of 26 people from the Iron Age and Roman periods were found, including a woman with her feet cut off and her arms bound behind her head,…”
Save this. In a few years, when Teresa May becomes the first person to travel to the past in a time machine, but never returns, it may become relevant, as historians had not believed that the British Parliament went back that far.
Archaeologist 1: What do you think was going on here?
Archaeologist 2: We have no idea.
Archaeologist 1: Must be ritual purposes.
Seriously, there’s more to life than ritual purposes, people. 93% of the time when one human gruesomely murders another, it’s not part of a ritual.
I bet you go with the flow, too.
I went with Flo once but we parted ways amicably after she expressed a preference for gravity bongs.
I wonder if there’s anywhere in the UK you can dig without digging someone up. When they were putting a septic tank in for the house I grew up in in (in the 1960’s I believe), they found a Roman era burial. The skeleton is in Gloucester museum now I think. No idea if they were ritually buried or what.
I like how the red and white bar for showing size actually looks like a health bar.
@anon27007144–obviously you’ve never lived in a hick town run by bullies. The point could be made that the witch burnings/hangings/executions of the 1400s-1600s were sacrifices, as were the concentration camps of the 1940s. Culprits were a Middle Eastern terrorist and arsonist organization called Christianity.
Equally obvious you’ve never lived in the South. The dark-skinned “Sons of Ham” were enslaved and murdered by the thousands by the same organization. Children with Sturge-Weber marks were, and are, sacrificed at birth or in childhood for having “the mark of the beast”
Apparently the devotees of Epona were equally vicious, unless Joseph of Arimathea actually did move to Glastonbury and take certain practices with him.
Oh dang. If it weren’t for the “bound hands and chopped off feet” part I might have guessed that person passed away peacefully while relaxing in their hot tub.
Was that a downer or just a grave situation (like the skeleton)?