Are Jews people? Find out after the break on CNN

What is the point that YOU are trying to make here?

Because I do not think that you are making it.


All valid points, but a report that has a sensationalist banner that is factually inaccurate play RIGHT into their narative.

Of course, anyone with critical thinking skills can recognize that this is not a symptom of some media conspiracy against whites nationalist, but rather a symptom if laziness and lack of standards ACROSS THE BOARD in the media, independent of ideology. But the only fix is for us as consumers to start demanding better, independent of ideology, and to not fall pray to “ends justify the means”. Terrible reporting is terrible reporting, even (especially?) when it supports your position.


This is rank double-speak.

It sounds to me like you’re saying that just because you don’t want something to happen means you shouldn’t prepare for it.


This is a WARNING to the author of the post - and a suggestion to update it with a post on media misbehavior in troubled times. This Spencer is a downright fascist, and the intention of this comment is by no means to defend him or anything he stands for. I actually think he belongs in a mental-health institution, or the like. However, CNN has isolated his words from the context [CNN quote: “One wonders if these people are people at all, or instead soulless golems”], in order to put the burden on Jewish people, but it happens that there’s - as yet - a video online AND a BuzzFeed News Report by David Mack that shows that the guy was talking about the media, and not about Jewish people [BuzzFeed News quote: "As he discussed the media, Spencer said, “one wonders if these people are people at all? Or instead soulless golems animated by some dark power to repeat whatever talking point John Oliver stated the night before”] [Link:] [Link Youtube: WARNING: Includes some nazi salutes and the like : ( ]
This despicable guy may have some other time questioned himself if Jewish people are people. However, his stupid comment on media is irresponsibly taken out of context by CNN commentators, in an unjustifiable manipulation that doesn’t help at all in calling to guard the white supremacists that want to take over the political space. It is, may I remind the forum, very frequent in main stream US media to misquote anyone critizicing Zionist behavior in the Occupied Territories of Palestine as if he/she would be speaking about Jews as a people (I myself happen to be friends to several Jewish people who are much more actively AntiZionist than myself). In this case, if we are to give more credit to our ears than to CNN commentators, CNN has gone as far as to assume “media” is the same as “Jewish people”. A surprising mistake, were it to be so …


If we controlled the media, why would we give air time to this lot?


I have a personal stake in the matter, so I will make a point that may or may not be the one @swankgd was trying to make.

I am not concerned with convincing other Jews or our allies of whether Spencer’s statement was antisemitic; we already know and we’re pretty damned sensitive to the signs. Similarly, I’m not concerned with trying to persuade the “alt-right” – by which I mean the neo-Nazis – of whether Spencer is an antisemite. They already know and they either don’t care or are thrilled at the idea.

This is about persuading the waffling, “I-barely-watch-the-news” masses. The good church-going folk who may have heard about antisemitism in passing, but couldn’t think of a Jew who wasn’t all the way down in Hollywood. The people who don’t have a personal stake in the discussion. And now these people are going to be looking at the conversation from the sidelines and hearing “he’s an obvious anti-Semite” from the one side, and “but that’s not what he said at all!” from the other.

I want there to be absolutely no wiggle room for the neo-Nazis to sow doubt about what Spencer is, what he said, and what he meant. I want CNN to report exactly what he said rather than try to make it more clickbaity. I want him to be hoisted by his own petard rather than be made into another rallying point against “the lying liberal media.”


:cry: I went to google a classic Jewish joke to see if anyone had updated it yet for Breitbart, and, well, Google autocomplete scares me…


And yet instead we get “we report, you decide, the truth lies in the middle” when dealing with no-joke neo-Nazis.


Shit, at least something we can agree on.


Yup. The only thing that drives me crazier than lies from my opponents are lies from my allies.


Top trending subject on Twitter:

This is fine.


I hadn’t come to a conclusion yet. I was thankful they took the time to digest and report back their contrary take aways in a thread that was gung-ho about accepting the headline premise.


And yet what you write sounds an awful lot like laying the groundwork for sectarian violence in the US. You cannot in good faith broadcast a public message that people who dislike Trump, virulent anti-semites and misogynist fascists ought to arm ourselves—for example to take some of the unofficial militias when they come to get you—without expecting that your very message (a) will itself scare people who do not share your politics towards arming themselves, and therefore (b) logically implies a transformation our society into armed camps.

Given the rampant fear and outrage across the political spectrum, urging such a social transformation as you have done is not so differentiable from pushing towards civil war.

As someone who has been physically assaulted in public and in private—including with threats against my life—based on my social identity, and as someone who has nevertheless found a relatively fertile soil in which to both live my life, and to try and make the world a little better for other, I am calling bullshit on the myth of messianic and/or compulsory violence.


I’m not going to take up my arms in an offensive manner, nor will I be waving firearms around in public like the open carry loonies, nor even threatening to grab my musket (in the words of a former Republican representative) because I was unhappy with the election results.

But you can damn well believe that I’m going to defend my home, my property, and my family with every tool at my disposal from paramilitary or extrajudicial forces.


I learned a new song today.
It pretty much sums up my reaction.


You’re a soulless golem?

I’m going to bet that you may have a very busy four years ahead of you protecting the chosen people…


We get to see the end of civilization. These truly are interesting times.


I’d lovta, laddie, but there’s not enough room on the Enterprise fur allaya.