Are you okay?

JFC what the fuck is wrong with the world :frowning:


Same old shit. Greed & power; power & greed.


People. If the world was run by kitties and gardens, it would be so much better.


So yeah, am i okay? In a word, no.


Kenan Thompson Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live


Season 3 Abc GIF by Bachelor in Paradise

But damned if Iā€™m quitting this Shitshow Timeline early.


There is no such thing as ā€œOkayā€ any more. Not right now. What there is is varying levels of ability to cope with the universal shitshow we live in.

Some people have more resources than others. Thatā€™s normal. Some people will be able to keep going longer between having to retreat from it all and scream into a pillow until theyā€™re ready to step back into it again. Thatā€™s normal. Some people donā€™t know how to not keep going, and will drive themselves until they break. This, alas, is also normal.

Look after yourself. Look after your family and friends. Look after each other. Thatā€™s how we get through this.


No, of course not. But I am trying to stay hopeful in spite of everything . I watched the latest episode of the American version of Ghosts and for 21 minutes I was able to think that the world can be a nice place. I see the people here in this community talking and sharing and getting through this together and that makes me feel better. Sometimes it seems like I can make someone smile, and that helps.

So no, not ok. But not as bad as I could be. Thanks. Whoever reopened this topic, you have good instincts


Credit goes to @smulder



No, not okay. But my kid has a first date tomorrow and I want her to be happy for as long as possible, and Mrs. F is sick and doesnā€™t need to hear about the stuff thatā€™s scaring me right now, so Iā€™m trying to keep it together.

Iā€™m glad yā€™all are here.


Iā€™m definitely not okay but put into perspective things could be worse. The rise in transphobia has had me on edge, filled with rage at times. Iā€™m terrified as we skate ever closer to the edge of a world war. I count myself as lucky that I live somewhere relatively safe. My heart goes out to all people experiencing real harm right now. So, in the meantime, Iā€™ll calm myself with a drink, some music and pick up some edibles if need be.

Pop Tv GIF by Schitt's Creek


I will be okay. I donā€™t know when, but it will come to pass.


Thatā€™s my manifestation of me not being OK. In the grand scheme of things, there isnā€™t much directly affecting me. I just find myself nearly incoherent with rage on behalf of the people who are being harmed by greedy, selfish assholes right now.


Same. Somehow, knowing that i am not likely to be personally targeted, while friends and family i love dearly very much are, does not make me feel better. Weird that, eh?

friend GIF


Fucking empathy


I keep deleting everything I type because once I start I type way too much and overshare. So Iā€™ll just say this is a good thread.


No, Iā€™m not okay. Iā€™ve had it much worse, but thereā€™s still a lot of room for improvement. Where would I even begin to explain if I wanted to. I wonā€™t. Not entirely.

My life was a shattered mess before 45 & Covid. Covid is only an inconvenience. Social distancing and avoiding crowds comes naturally for me.

A Stoic determination to plow through each day has kept me going, despite indescribable fatigue.

Well, that and one good friend. Each of us had something the other needed emotionally. We supported one another. We met at a time when I was depressed and furious with the world and certain a-holes in it.

I was a dependable friend who covered her back, shielding her from things which might have hurt her, and she kept me in touch with humanity, no matter how hard I tried to divorce myself from it.

For several years she was my only friend in the world. The only one I needed.
Almost exactly 6 months ago we lost her to a horrific auto accident.

Now, personally I donā€™t believe in any afterlife or Bearded Sky-Man. Not for my sake. Do the best you can and let the future take care of itself, thatā€™s my motto. But when I think of those Iā€™ve loved who have already passed, I seriously hope that I am wrong and there IS a better place, a better existence, and that they are there.

I hope youā€™ve found your peace, A. You deserve so much more than this world ever gave you. (she was big on privacy, so no full name here)

(FWIW: she was Black.)

@Suprise_Puma: Whoops, I just did that, too. Oh well, it was cathartic.


I only worry about over sharing because some people who need me to seem well-composed at a professional level, who I believe read some articles here but donā€™t frequent the comments, might see behind the curtain if I throw out too many details and out myself. Letā€™s say that the need to be stoic for others is part of what makes ā€œokā€ aspirational for now.

Iā€™m glad for your catharsis and I am so sorry for your loss. Your friendship sounds like one for the ages! She sounds like she was a wonderful person and the world desperately needs more of those. Or at least for the current supply of wonderful ones to rise to the fore more readily than the terrible ones do.


I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I lost my best friend almost 20 years ago, and while I will never have another friend like him, I have had others and that helps. Whether there is or isnā€™t an afterlife, over the years I have met many. many people who knew him, were touched in some way by having him in their life, and I feel like I can see reflections of him in them, which also helps.

I hope that you are able to find things that keep you engaged with the world and give you the opportunity to make connections and heal. I hope that you are able to find some of that connection here, and that having this community helps in some small way. I know that it has for me over the years.