Arkansas sheriff's deputy bodycam was off when he killed teen

While other jobs might be very dangerous (I worked the flight deck of an aircraft carrier - one of those jobs - for an extra $85 a month) they generally don’t involve confronting people (who may be armed) about their behavior. I’m not apologizing for terrible cops - I’m saying it’s a terrible job that by its very nature produces situations where people can get shot. SHould there be better training? Of course. SHould there be stricter controls on who gets to be a cop? Yes. Should we do a whole host of other things to address this? Of course!

But is anyone willing to pay for it? NO.

But sure, let’s come up with a clever term like “copaganda” and pat ourselves on the backs about how progressive we are. However it is far better than “libtard”.

Citation needed. How often, based on the data that multiple people on this site have pointed to, do those situations happen? There’s a reason why those “clever terms” exist, based on facts - vs. schoolyard taunts typically used by uneducated children.



You missed off that really big point at the end there.
Happy to help.


Another citation needed.

Those who object to massive police budgets would mostly be more than glad to pay more for such training.

When people say defund the police, they mostly mean stop buying them so much expensive equipment, and stop hiring so many of them.


Absolutely, seeing as this is a world where teachers have to buy stationery but proven thugs get free guns.


There are about 20 million traffic stops in the US a year. In 2019 six of those resulted in a police officer being shot. Making a traffic stop as a cop is literally safer than going down a ski-hill. No matter how we imagine the fear we feel of other people, the absolute risk of making a traffic stop is negligible in the extreme.


Since it should probably be facing forward to see as close to exactly what the cop sees, at worst it might get a picture of waste if you lean over the toilet. Most of the time it would get a nice picture of the wall of the toilet stall or maybe the wall of a single-occupancy restroom.

But even if it does, the camera should still record the stool image. If that footage needs to be entered into evidence in a trial or used as part of the process of getting a warrant, have someone (maybe a medical professional) redact a copy of the footage. That professional should attach to that copy a sworn statement of what they redacted from the copy and why.

The original is still available if that redacted portion is relevant, such as if it captured an important sound during that time.


Hey, that sounds like another automatic criminal charge for the cop!
Why can’t we hold these fuckers to some kind of moral or professional standard?

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See, cops aren’t racist! They can murder white kids too!

Mod note: Sorry, there’s a bug causing duplicate posts affecting topics, including this one - I’ve removed them and let the Discourse folk know.


What, no-one stopping by to tell us that the solution to this problem is more funding for the police?


I’m worried less about what they would see, vs hear. I personally am very private in the bathroom. I HATE using a rest room with someone else there. YMMV.

In the immortal words of Killer Mike, “I promise I’m honest, they coming for you the day after they comin’ for me.”


Police unions. There’s your reason.


Just at 5 times the rate if you look different. :roll_eyes:


How is turning off your camera prior to engaging violently with a member of the public NOT proof of premeditation?

Which carries a higher penalty, at least for citizens who aren’t police.


I know you did not mean this the way you wrote it, but, oof, it sounds bad.

ETA: Narrator’s voice: he meant it.


Huh. Traffic stops are safer than teaching, I’m guessing. So maybe we should give teachers cop-money and see what happens.


Nobody has tried it yet, it could be worth a go.


I expect mayors around the world are saying “Hey, that’s a great idea…”