Arkansas sheriff's deputy bodycam was off when he killed teen

A good teacher would probably point out you missed the /S there, but not at gunpoint.


I’m projecting my biases. I really can’t think of a worse job - except maybe being the mayor of a big city. You’re supposed to fix everything and keep everyone safe, while everyone is on your case second-guessing everything you do.

THank you for providing statistics - I did not know that. I also have a bias about using clever wordplay in lieu of an argument, which is what I assumed PsiPhiGrrrl did - and clearly I was wrong.

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Please see my apology above.

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maybe cops should just not shit on the people’s time? Or wear diapers?

I hate pooping at work. I can go in the AM, then again after work. It’s not impossible to hold it that long. And, if it is? Well, back to the station to do it so you can check on and off your cam. You’d not be “solving crimes” while pooping “in the wild” anyway. And even a 5 year old can tell “when it’s time to go”

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when amazon employees get bathroom breaks then id be okay with cops having bathroom breaks. heck when people who have been forced by our society to live houseless on the street get access to bathrooms then id be okay with letting cops pee

till then, tough cookies. nobody else gets so coddled as cops


I wouldn’t ‘defund the cops’, merely re-allocate some of their funding. Send in the Mental Health Professionals first, then escalate if needed.

The main thing is, I would disarm the cops.

This would immediately de-escalate an already tense situation.
Admit it… you get pulled over & your first thought is ‘He’s got a gun!’
Whether you do or not is irrelevent. You are already in Fear!
Cops already have a billy club and [usually] a Taser, at the very least. Not to mention various types of training, the backing of the local, State, & probably National Judiciary behind them, etc, etc…

So, how the fuck can they claim they were ‘in fear for their lives’?*
Why are we hiring chickenshit cops?
They become hostile if you ask them that, though…

*Yeah, I know, the Union Lawyers tell them to say that, the same way they advise their clients to scream ‘Quit resisting’ at the twitching corpse at their feet…

That’s what it means:


I’m with you. Prefer to poop at home. I still remember the first time I had to poop at school. It was in first grade. I really did not want to, but I had to go.

If I made it sound like them “kill[ing] a lot of white people” some how evens things out, that wasn’t my intention. Only that cops are murdering lots of people, and if people think it isn’t a problem that could ever affect them, they are mistaken.

It shouldn’t shock us when it happens - because it happens a lot. It should sadden us they get away with it with impunity.

You set it up that cops killing white people is how you show that not all cop killings are justified. It is …concerning… to link race and the presumed justifiability of cop killings.


I see. I completely agree with your point. To be clear that isn’t MY view. It is the view of a lot of white people who support the cops. It is an attempt to make them see past their racism that the police are bad by dispelling their belief they are somehow “safe”. It may be for the wrong reasons they change their minds, but if we are to have any significant change, we need more racist white people also calling for police reform and accountability.

I disagree with the strategy, but ok.


I have used this technique to try to get through to white people in Chicago, but only when I’m speaking to those for whom this argument is the only thing that might perhaps get through. In a large group of strangers, without adequate explanation about why the argument is being made in this way, it’s easy for the wrong message to be heard.


When I feel like getting piled on, I’ll point this out on a local news story page where there is a crime story or a police abuse story. I’m sure for most of the people I reply to, their cop fandom is unwavering. But I am hoping one person reads something and goes, “Oh. The cops have no accountability.”

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