Arrested fake elector says she was an unwilling pawn in GOP election forgery plot

I feel like the GOP wouldn’t need to forge these signatures, a lot of the magas seem like they would love a chance to participate in this.

Alternatively, I have known a lot of self reliant and seemingly mentally capable older folks that just kind of get caught up in griffs too. Who knows what the GOP told these people, but I’m sure any lawyers that may have been present were there for the politician’s interests and not the citizens.


There’s video of her walking literally arm-in-arm with the lawyer trying to force his way into the statehouse with the fake list. It’s hard to imagine she really had no idea what was going on.


Oh yes…let’s keep giving the fascists the benefit of the doubt… I’m sure, Hit… I mean Trump will become presidential any second now, and his followers will realize that they are being unreasonable and compromise with the opposition and stop trying to genocide trans people and re-instate Jim Crow… Any second now!!! Just you wait!!! /s

First off, this isn’t a court, it’s a god damn message board. Us discussing this isn’t denying her shit. Second, she will get a greater amount of consideration than pretty much any working class Black kid with a taillight out - he’s far more likely to end up dead without a fucking trial. Third, i’m SICK of people moralizing when it’s not their ass on the line here. I already have LESS RIGHTS to controlling my body than YOU do right now in this country, and that’s because people giving giving these fascists a pass in one way or another. She can fuck right off.


Tell you what, I promise the folks here won’t actually sentence her without giving her that. Deal?


Yeah she clearly has criminal culpability here. I do agree with others that it seems plausible her fellow criminals illegally copied her signature though. Every one of these creeps would gladly stab their fellow MAGA cultists in the back.



Probably it was all traceable back to Clippy!

“I see you’re creating a fake electoral certification document, here’s a template for that…”


All of these people who keep getting charged and convicted of crimes relating either to Jan 6 or to other events surrounding Donald Trump all claim they were duped or lied to or got carried away or some other bullshit. Then they get convicted, serve their time, get out, and suddenly start singing the praises of their dear and glorious leader again. I’m not Charlie Brown. I’m not going to keep believing these people (I don’t think I ever believed any of them when they said they were sorry or they were fooled, but you get my point).

Also, I doubt very seriously if they would have charged this woman if the only evidence they had was her signature on a piece of paper. This woman also ran for office herself (and lost). She’s no innocent, gullible, sweet little old lady who was tricked. She knew what they were doing.


Came here to say this. I’m sure there’s a text, email, and/or paper trail to go along with these signatures. This woman sounds desperate to avoid punishment for her crimes.


I’m still stuck on the idea that a clandestine meeting to overthrow the government had a sign-in sheet.


Well some laws require “intent,” so stupidity can sometimes be a defense. I have no idea whether that is true in this case.


The problem is that the number of people with sufficient cognitive impairment to be unable to distinguish Fox from fact is so high that we simply can’t function as a society if we give them all a pass. By definition, half of the population is below average and they still have rights and responsibilities.

(edited for clarity)


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We’re going to have to agree to disagree on this one. Yes I know my ass isn’t on the line, especially since I don’t live in the US. Unfortunately (or fortuntately?) I’m a Nothernly Neighbour that used to like to visit and also sees elements of Trumpism leaking up here.

My main point isn’t that these people don’t deserve what they get. But lets be real here, throwing the book at a potentially small player in this big mess going on down there isn’t going to accomplish anything, especially if she duped or outright not responsible because her signature was forged. You want progress? Make sure that Trump goes to trial, get Clarence Thomas out of the SCOTUS and to trial along with his wife. I don’t think there’s plausible deniability in their case, but due process should be followed. Without cutting the head of this mess, there are lots of willing or unsuspecting actors out there to either intentionally or inadvertently carry out their orders.

Yes, the Repugs don’t play by the rules. Doesn’t mean that folks fighting for what’s right should just bypass them as well.

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If, like the Jan 6 insurrectionists, it prevents someone else from committing the crimes, it accomplishes plenty.


Then the case should be a slam dunk. Get her in court and prove the case. That’s all I’m saying.

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100% that, how many other ways could they verify if 16 people showed up in a room?

Seriously, you signed this.

Schitts Creek Comedy GIF by CBC


There’s a lot of dumb cannon fodder out there. I’m sceptical that the Jan 6th cases on insurrectionists hasn’t accomplished much at all. That said, they 100% deserve to be in jail. Deterence will be taking down those at the top. Especially with the number of folks seeming to think Trump will hand out pardons like candy.


There is an immense difference between ‘should be’ and ‘will be.’

The US Justice system is anything but “just,” all too often; especially when it comes to the People With the Complexion for the Protection…


If nothing else, she should be found guilty of supporting a party that supports fascism.