there are only two circumstances which might, MIGHT, result in the actual impeachment of 45–
one. a democratic sweep in 2018 resulting in democratic majorities, substantial democratic majorities, in both houses of congress.
probability: less than 0.01%.
rationale: in the senate there aren’t enough republican seats up in 2018 to be able to make that kind of shift even if the democrats voted out three-fourths of the republican incumbents in the race. in the house there are too many institutional factors like gerrymandering and voter suppression laws in the absence of strong enforcement of the voting rights act.
two. the republican party deciding it would be better to cut their losses and give up on the trump base rather than to lose everyone else.
probability: 0.05-0.1%
rationale: the trump base IS the republican party base. abandoning them would be to give up the whole show. still, that is more likely than 1. above, thus the probability indicated.
edited because making a numbered list is somehow beyond my powers without using number words.
I absolutely would.
I’m in CA, but in a largely republican area, and occasionally we get local politicians that are small fry that do not yet appear to be corrupted (and I say “Yet”), and if they’re the better more qualified candidate in my opinion, they get my vote.
The problem lies largely when they start getting bigger and operating for the common good becomes “toe the party line because you need it’s support for further your political career”…
But, the problem also lies in people’s steadfast refusal to vote across party lines, or outside for 3rd aparty candidates. There’s a widely divided two party system for a reason…
A “metric fuckton”? What are ya, a goddam Librul!?
@Bobo, I can’t help but see the “wide division” between the Parties as being like the division between Catholics and Protestants; slight, but worth a war or two.
Life for the republicans needs to be like daily beatings. Keep beating them until that break, lose their seat, and lose the ability to show their face in public. Break them until they have no other choice to impeachment, convict, and remove. This thing isn’t going to happen by itself. Break them.
And what are the alternatives?
A less dumb sociopath in office?
I’d say for the democrats and human beings in general the best option is another year and an half of silly shenanigans followed by a republican neutering mid-term election and then a two year essentially inconsequential (but comedy filled) saunter to 2020.
We don’t want Trump/the GOP to look like victims. We want him to look like the bad guy. Impeaching him tends to make him look like the victim. I think it would be better to let him sit in the corner and be ineffective for 3 years, then defeat him soundly in 2020.
Congress has been giving up more and more power to the president for at least 50 years. Perhaps this is the way to make them man up.
Um, what? Clinton and Nixon are not really viewed as such.
To his base, I mean. Besides, Nixon’s crimes were more obvious. And I think impeaching Clinton for having an affair DID stir such reactions in many. And the Dems won the popular vote again the next year.
Been there done that… I know it’s hard to keep up with history but really…
History lesson: Clinton was impeached for lying under oath about the affair, not the affair itself.
It’s almost been 20 years since all that went down. WTF.
Yes, I honestly knew that. But the underlying action was the affair. Tomayto, tomahto.
Sort of like if we impeached 45 it would be for something similar - - not necessarily the thing we want to get him for, but for the thing we can make stick.
I think that’s a fair assessment.
He did pardon Nixon, for which a great many of the voting populace disliked him.
In the course of an investigation that was supposedly about a real estate venture from the 1970s and 1980s. So in other words the Republicans tried to nail Bill Clinton on something that had nothing to do with either his actions as President or as a candidate for President, then accidentally found evidence of an extramarital affair, then tried to nail him on lying about said affair. Even though some of the key players behind the impeachment hearings were actively lying about ongoing affairs they were having at the same time they were trying to impeach Clinton.
But sure, it’s the Democrats who are grasping at straws with the Russia investigation.
Yes, very true. I also add he was also not a great politician, either. Not incredibly polished, sort of clumsy, and I doubt he had a bold vision that he was able to effectively communicate to the electorate. Plus, he was a republican and that was pretty tainted at the time. Carter had a very strong religious/moral component to his campaign, very people-centered and keen on showing how his administration would be incredibly transparent and honest in comparison with the previous (meaning Nixon) president.
In the event that you are, I’ll join you and I’ll even bring the booze.
The more the merrier; my roof is flat and huge. Go near the edges at your own risk, though…