Help! I dropped my rock in the parking lot and now I can’t find it!
Ew. How are those assholes still in business?
Oy, what a missed opportunity. We were just at a beach east of Cleveland last week which featured tons and tons of flat, but too large for skipping stones. Had this posted a couple weeks earlier, I’d be a millionaire by now. >_<
Cleveland doesn’t have a ring to it.
You’ve got to say they were hand selected and imported from… Oh I don’t know artsy American places. The northern arctic coast of Alaska perhaps.
Is cultural appropriation artisanal?
But it lasts so long! The flavor’s a bit rubbish though.
Hey, nobody has to know what body of water I plucked those rocks from.
I hear they’re all going margin long on Bitcoin!
carefully crafted for people that have lived in a skyscraper for all of their lives.
woops, wrong reply button =o
Look up “Veblen good”.
Oh man! I just cleaned out an old wooden shipping pallet that had been used as a platform in a holding tank, underwater for ~10 years. (I work at a sonar testing facility).
This wood was just rotted to hell. As a joke I was thinking I could spin this as something like:
Vintage, Retro Wood Pallet with a decade of Hydro-Imersion Treatment, For Sale $15,000
Any takers, hmmm?!?
Ooh, be sure to mention low-background steel in the pitch. Of course, wood that has been underwater for only about ten years has nothing to do with steel that has been immersed for several decades, but people will realize that on their own, surely.
Yeah but pet rocks were relatively cheap and you knew even then you were really just paying for the privilege of telling your grandkids someday that you owned one.
Oh, I like that. If I was less ethical, I’d figure out a way to take advantage of that.
I sell art for a living. What didn’t sell at $300 sells very well at $3000. Everything feels weird once you figure it out.
Organic produce and meat probably qualify as a Veblen Good as well. It’s no different in quality and nutrition, and is no safer to eat, and they may or may not have been produced more ethically and sustainably, but hey they cost twice as much, so that means they must be better.
One wouldn’t actually make a tomahawk… One would place the rock on top of the stump with a sign that read “Artisinal deconstructed tomahawk $497”
Everything is derivative anyway.