As Nazis, KKK, and militia descend, Georgia town shuts down public transport and park

True, that. I think, though, that @knoxblox was responding to a commenter who knew he had lived in Georgia, not meaning to indicate that Georgia was in any way more racist than other parts of the country.


Kudzu does need soil. that’s a near vertical granite face 400’ (I think) feet off the ground.

I just searched for pictures of it. Fuck me but they disfigured a beautiful mountain with some ugly ass shit. Use it as a firing range. Can’t get any worse. Artillery practice.


Yes, my first cousins, and aunts/uncles are mostly “southern”, but I use Bubba to differentiate racist gentlemen from regular folk. Much like the term Karen.


There was plenty of coverage of the black protestors as well.

While I hate it, without Third Way clinton, I think we’d have seen 8 more years of GOP presidency. That means no RGB and no Beyer on the court - wouldn’t be good.

*Some call Stone Mountain “the largest shrine to white supremacy in the history of the world.”
The place should be wiped off the face of the earth.


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