As Trump's racist regime takes power, FBI reports a surge in hate crimes against Muslims and others

I wish I had something useful to say, but all I have is a visual pun using artwork I found online.


Shit, sorry to read that. It wouldn’t feel appropriate to give you a like.


Hazarding a guess, and affording that gentleman a tiny modicum of humanity which he would likely never afford me in return, here’s my take:

In my experience with hateful, unhappy people, it’s often due to a cycle of psychological abuse, one that is vicious and exceedingly hard to break.

Every angry, scared, easily-manipulated person you encounter is likely a victim of said abuse, and sadly, they often self-perpetuate it.

Especially the poor White working class that so many people have been belaboring about since this clusterfuck happened.

And the ironic thing is that I actually have an odd understanding of their plight.

You see, I’m part of the working poor too. I’m just not White.

I’m also conscious and educated, both formally and informally; which means that although I suffer from many disadvantages just due to my skin color, one problem I don’t have is the proverbial ‘carrot on the stick’ conundrum.

Unlike my disenfranchised White brethren, I have never actually believed I’d “get the carrot, someday, if I just worked hard enough!”

So that soul-crushing sense of frustration and rage that they feel from believing a pipe dream since time out of mind, only to never see it come to fruition, no matter how hard they may try?

I grok it, and I can somewhat empathize with it, to a point; but I don’t feel it like they do… because I, like many underprivileged minorities, always knew better than to believe the hype.

Most of us never succumbed to the illusion of being ‘temporarily embarrassed millionaires’ because society never allowed us “the luxury” of such self delusion; it was made perfectly clear from the start that the promise of “one day this can all be yours too!” wasn’t meant for us.

That it was a false promise which the powers that be never really intended to make good on is beside the point now; the shattering disappointment is real, and many of the people who naively believed in that promise for generations are now lashing out at everyone around them… except for the people who are actually holding the stick, of course.


The headline is a pretty straightforward statement of fact: the FBI is reporting a surge in hate crimes while Trump’s regime (which has largely been based on racist sentiment) takes power.

As others have noted, there is a high possibility that these things are directly related (especially since the largest surges in reported crimes are specifically against the groups that Trump’s campaign has most focused its hate on), but you’re bringing your own implications to the headline.



I’ve had a long time to think about this stuff, having had to deal with it first hand.

And had I been paying better attention I’d have noticed that you also made these same points, minus the soap box.



No worries. This was brilliant!




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Feel free to “like” it, and I will interpret as a stream of healing energy aimed at my ribcage. :slight_smile: Definitely feeling better by the day, I’m thinking just bruising and no fractures. Going to my angel chiropractor Thursday, that will help.


Ok, done and done. And i mean done. I wish you a speedy recovery. :sunglasses:

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Thank ya, kindly.


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