Asskicker coffee has 80 times more caffeine than regular coffee

I thought Death Wish Coffee tasted OK, but it just didn’t seem all that strong to me. Despite the rather dramatic story on that linked site, I didn’t get any more “jolt” out of it than I do with my normal daily dark roast. Yes, I too had my normal pot of coffee per day, but I sure as hell didn’t experience “8 full days with absolutely no sleep.” Good coffee, but at least for me, mostly hype. (I’ll absolutely concede that others may have difference experiences, of course.)


I dunno. I had a pour over at Temple in Sacremento that was just heaven. Sitting there sipping that coffee was like sitting in the comfy chair from The Tick.


yeah, no joke. coffee is near perfect as is.

anyone who has taken a higher dose of caffeine can tell you that it is often a very unpleasant feeling, with most stimulants more isn’t better, rather there is a sweet spot ratio of peak energy versus negative effects. the same goes for those horrible energy drinks and shots, one is okay, multiple is a recipe for a not fun adventure.

At home I’ve settled on extra strong pour overs, i add extra grounds (more then recommended) and use a reusable gold filter that has a slightly faster flow, the combination is a quicker pour, but with the extra grounds, i get a smooth flavorful large mug of coffee with good crema and a good kick and no bitterness. I’m still a cream person though, no sugar, but a splash of cream. truly heaven.


How about a cup of Sanka?


I admit openly I’m addicted to caffeine and the very best part of my morning is the first taste of hot, fresh :coffee:. Instant coffee, teas, yerba mate, gourmet coffee lovely lovely java jive keeps me alive and all that. I usually have two cups a day.

Four summers ago, my two-year-old nephew pulled me into stores to call my attention to “5-Hour Energy Shots” which my brother was fond of and had several daily. My little brother, with his enlarged heart, damaged blood vessels from shoulder surgery, weight over 240 lbs, and hospitalization once for 210/120 BP, was a big fan of Monster energy drinks.

So when I flew to Osaka in 2014 and found my brother on dry ice and amid lilies in the tatami room, I saw a can of Monster and a can of Asahi on a little shrine. Hours after my landing his friends asked me to find out from his widow if he had followed his doctor’s advice to cut out the energy drinks, but I suspected I already knew the answer. His doctor told me the autopsy had shown many blood clots, which a few days before his death my brother had been told could possibly be cancer but turned out to be red alerts for pulmonary thromboembolism.

So I’m convinced that the concentrated combination of taurine and caffeine in energy drinks can be deadly for some. I’ve read that the polyphenols in coffee have a protective effect against venous thromboembolisms, so my brother’s death is not going to stop my coffee consumption. However, the slogan “Red Bull gives you wings” has a sombre meaning to me.

tl;dr: “I knew a guy who had energy drinks. He died.”


This undereye serum seems to tighten things up pretty well IME. Makes hangovers a little less conspicuous at any rate.


So coincidentally I ordered a red-eye this morning. I had a Diet Pepsi but it was doing a whole lotta nothing for me. So I tell the barista how to make it, because she didn’t know: A large coffee with a shot of espresso. Because I say I want a large, the barista thinks that it means that they should add the requisite number of espresso shots for a large drink and therefore dumps three shots of espresso to make an 20 oz. hellbrew. I watched both fascinated and horrified.

I drank it all in one sitting. Sure enough I’m sitting in my differential equations class when I start sweating, my arms and shoulders all tensed up, my heart feels fluttery. I have a mitral valve regurgitation that tends to act up, and I suspect that’s why I felt like I was having a heart attack. As a heavy guy I wasn’t worried I was gonna die, but it was unpleasant.

TIL: The name for this is a Green Eye.


That would mean you’d have a good chance of dropping dead from drinking a cup of Asskicker coffee.

So wouldn’t that mean you did indeed get your ass kicked?

I seriously doubt 5 g since it is mostly espresso and espresso has the caffeine cooked out.

However, once upon a time, I dropped a bag of Morning Thunder tea down into a mug of coffee and drove to Toledo. That was one shaky ride.

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If the 5g/cup claim is true, calling this stuff ‘coffee’ makes as much sense at calling Blair’s 3 A.M. ‘sauce’.

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Agree 100%. And even if they added pure caffeine (it is very cheap and if you want a jolt, that’s the way to go … but still … it is a wacky story) , it still makes no sense. Caffeine is far more soluble hot than cold, but even at hot 60C coffee solubility is about 6g/100ml. That’s PURE caffeine, way more than this brew process can extract. And the minute it cools to body temp it will start precipitating. I don’t believe a word of it.


Finally, something I can use to get knurd with!


Finally, a substance I can win the Battle of Wits with. I’ve spent the last few years building up an immunity to excessive coffee drinking.


folgers crystals

Crap, even looking at that gives me a headache. Our neighborhood was a test neighborhood for that stuff, and all of us little hooligans went around after the jolt truck had dropped 4 packs of bottles off on everybody’s porch, and stole them off of the porches of people we didn’t like.

Then we had a grand old soda party in the dugout of the local high school.

Joke was on us though. We all ended up with near migraine level headaches, jittery, pissing all over the place. Tons of fun…


Ahhh, Adelaide, my home town.

Don’t worry folks, nothing to see here. If they weren’t drinking crazy strong coffee they’d be using ice. You need something to get your edge back when you smoke 20 cones a day.


To put it mildly.

I was that idiot once.
I ate a table-spoon of it (you’re supposed to ingest at most 3 small tea spoons over the course of a day).
It was not a pleasant experience. I ended up sweating profusely, feeling ill and dazed. Had to sit and just…breathe it off for a few hours.
Don’t be like me, people.


No discussion of over-caffeinated coffee would be complete without at least mentioning WorkJuice Coffee, the formerly fictional sponsor of The Thrilling Adventure Hour.


Coffee for morons has never been an underserved market


Of course, they have a half-decaf brew as well…