I’m glad that this firefighter is being protected, and that justice seems to be on his side as a workplace safety issue, but I’m also glad the mayor went beyond just anger that an employee was forced to attend.
The Mayor issued a statement Thursday night saying in part, "This is not only a concern for the Rochester Fire Department. This is a concern for all of Rochester. That an event like this was held and attended by influential community members – in 2022 – is mind boggling. Our community must be better than this. I call for my fellow Rochesterians to push back against hurtful racism and stereotypes that degrade members of our community. Join me in ensuring behavior like this is not tolerated in our city. Events like this remind us that there is much work to do to overcome racism in our society.
That’s pretty much the entire GOP party line. It didn’t start with Trump, but was repeatedly used to excuse him: “he’s not racist, he only cares about one color: green [and is willing to say and do racist things to make money].” – as if the slave trade wasn’t done for profit.
It’s somewhat amusing, but mostly depressing, for those of us who can see it, how much mental gymnastics these MAGA folks are going through to justify their bigotry.
They themselves don’t see it, of course. Much like they don’t see the humor in Colbert Report.
Back when there was some kerfuffle about punching nazis, I would tell people that when my great-uncle was young, he won medals at a sort of shooting competition in North Africa. And the targets were nazis.
Oh, given the sort of people involved, you know there have to be many layers of fuckery going on there.
Oh wow - so their “defense” includes making a big deal out of the fact that the people who filed the lawsuit weren’t invited by them, so they “misconstrued” the party. Apparently the proper context in which they were supposed to see the party is that… they weren’t supposed to see it at all. If only no Black people knew about it, it would have been fine, you know?