At Arlington, Trump's team continues to disrespect veterans

Originally published at: At Arlington, Trump's team continues to disrespect veterans - Boing Boing


All the real heroic patriots there (including my grandfather) and this bone-spurred POS is using their graves as a grinning thumbs-up! campaign ad and shoved cemetery officials who were just trying to maintain the sanctity of the place. @#$!!!


Passage from Don Jr.'s book, on visiting Arlington National Cemetery, and what sacrifice means to this horrible family.

"Meanwhile, it also took two months for me to realize the enormity of what my father had accomplished, and the weight of the job that he’d won. It was the day before the inauguration, and we were driving into Arlington National Cemetery, where he was to lay a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. I rarely get emotional, if ever. I guess you’d call me hyper-rational, stoic. Yet, as we drove past the rows of white grave markers, in the gravity of the moment, I had a deep sense of the importance of the presidency and a love of our country. I was never prouder of my father than when I watched as he stood before the tomb, his hand over his heart, while the Army bugler played ‘Taps.’

“In that moment, I also thought of all the attacks we’d already suffered as a family, and about all the sacrifices we’d have to make to help my father succeed—voluntarily giving up a huge chunk of our business and all international deals to avoid the appearance that we were ‘profiting off the office.’”

Narrator: “the Trump family gave up no deals, Donald Trump and his Justice Department ignored the Emoluments Clause, sought bribes, and the Trump family continually found new ways to profit off the Office of the Presidency.”


I would have gone with “emotionally damaged,” myself. The lack of self-awareness with these people…

He’s so close to realizing something there, but then, of course, he turns it around to be all about him and his family. The narcissism runs in the family, it appears. That his family did not, in fact, sacrifice anything, that they did, in fact, profit off the office just makes it all so much worse.


My father, a WW2 vet who died 10 years ago at the age of 89 (miss you still dad! thanks for everything), is interred at Arlington, and my mom will be too when she passes. His internment ceremony is still one of the most solemn days of my life.

My dad was probably kind of an Eisenhower Republican, although he was in many ways an iconoclast. For example he had gay friends his whole life and definitely raised me to be pro gay rights. He didn’t do drugs but didn’t think they should be illegal.

One of those ways, however, was not disrespecting American war cemeteries. I’m not sad he missed the Trump presidency, but I am somewhat sad I missed getting to hear all the sarcastically comic things he would have said about the man. Hopefully most of that lives on inside of me.


There is no bottom to their shitty-ness.


The shit apple doesn’t fall far from the shit tree.


Choosing to run for the highest office in the land and getting elected! Talk about sacrifice!


Despite the tacky thumbs-up and the fact that he attended the third anniversary of this attack while never even mentioning the first two anniversaries, it would be hard to prove the guy planned this as a political stunt - except for the fact that he’s specifically spent the past three days publicly trying to convince veterans to vote for him (and lying about what he supposedly did for them - such as benefits that actually were signed into law by Obama).


TFG probably won’t face criminal charges, but there was certainly more than enough indication that this was being done for political purposes to justify the cemetery staff putting a stop to it even if it hadn’t been taking place in a part of the cemetery that specifically forbid photography and video.


Smiles and thumbs up from the family too.
Christ, what assholes.


Who solemnly goes to Arlington with their campaign photographer to remember the sacrifice made by our Armed Services? That is some bullshit right there. It is hard to prove this isn’t anything but a political stunt.


This kid gets it:


… is the military unable to secure its own graveyard now? Is Arlington afraid to arrest people who assault its employees :confused:


Trumpers having a good old time on the Trump Ride.


Some folks are born made to wave the flag
Hoo, they’re red, white and blue
And when the band plays “Hail to the chief”
Ooh, they point the cannon at you, Lord

It ain’t me, it ain’t me
I ain’t no senator’s son, son
It ain’t me, it ain’t me
I ain’t no fortunate one, no

Some folks are born silver spoon in hand
Lord, don’t they help themselves, Lord?
But when the taxman come to the door
Lord, the house lookin’ like a rummage sale, yeah

It ain’t me, it ain’t me
I ain’t no millionaire’s son, no, no
It ain’t me, it ain’t me
I ain’t no fortunate one, no

(C) Creedence Clearwater Revival


The people with hats on in that picture aren’t exactly respectful either. Who thinks that a t-shirt, baseball hat and sunglasses is appropriate attire for a cemetery? And then doesn’t even take off the hat?

(Usually, I would also wonder who goes to meet a former president in that attire, but in this case that isn’t disrespectful enough, if anything)





He goes everywhere with heavily armed Secret Service, the Secret Service who wiped their phones after Jan 6. I don’t believe in the Deep State, but I do believe in shallow minded thugs still in the federal government, some of whom recognize TFG as their leader.
ETA: Before Trump, why would you need serious security at Arlington? Who else is enough of an asshole to require it?