Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/10/25/look-at-this-comedian-call-out.html
downright rude
Yes, god forbid that anyone be rude to him …
If Harvey is looking for friends, maybe he can hang out with Ellen Degeneres. I hear that she doesn’t mind being friends with people who have different views than she does.
Humans actually hang out with that scumbag Weinstein? He must be paying big bucks for their time…
He belongs in prison.
Guillotine images, Kirstjen Nielsen and Stephen Miller being heckled in restaurants, showing contempt for critics of the “They Live” billboard of the “president” in Times Square, snubs of Mitch McConnell at a memorial service, now this. Oh, the incivility of it all. [drops to fainting couch]
you can go to google maps https://goo.gl/maps/qzBAcKkjS29ZeaJa9 for downtime bar and leave a review
Good for all the women who spoke up. Every time he shows up in public, someone should walk up to him and tell him how disgusting he is.
The question shouldn’t be “is no one going to say something about this filth being here?”…I’d have called over the manager and asked “So how good is your business going to be when I explain the clientele you invite in your doors?”
Maybe the manager/owner does something, maybe they don’t. But it would quickly let me know if I want to continue coming to that place or not.
Must feel great to be judge, jury and executioner.
Both clutching pearls and fainting couches are available for order at Amazon!
Fuck that. People aren’t holding Weinstein criminally responsible for committing the crime of rape. They are holding Weinstein personally responsible for raping people. If your friend decides to clean out your apartment you can’t circumvent due process to put them in prison, but you aren’t fucking obligated to have them over for dinner while they await trial. Social opprobrium is a parallel process to the courts. Weinstein apparently needed reminding of their pariah status, and I’m glad they got it.
This is not a trial and he’s not going to jail. yet. Expelling him from polite society is a consequence of him regularly and with impunity raping women.
Oh, I missed the part of the story where one of the three women killed Weinstein. I definitely agree that deserves being kicked out of the bar.
If I were the manager and I was called over to that table to deal with the woman berating Weinstein I would have asked her, “Has this man been bothering you, miss?” It’d be Weinstein that got kicked out. And the fucking story would be Weinstein gets kicked out of a club for harassing women. Because who’s going to believe that asshole.
weinstein has the right to go anywhere and have a few drinks… just as other people have the right to call him a rapist piece of shit to his face. If he wanted to be left alone may i suggest an option?
“…trying to find some solace in his life that has been turned upside down.”
Won’t someone think about how all this affects Harvey? /s
an environment where everyone feels welcome
Thats certainly a capitalists’ dream, isnt it? Maximize sales, serve anyone who comes in…
Yet in the real world, you can’t make Harvey Weinstein and women feel welcome at the same time. When people assert their membership in the human race and remind you of this choice, don’t shame them for it, that means you’ve made a choice about who is to feel welcome and who isnt.
Leaving reviews for places you’ve never been to is ridiculous. The bar rented out their entire venue for an event.