What kind of impolite society have we become that a rich serial rapist can’t enjoy a nice evening out?
I’m sure there were good people on both sides of his seat. As far as he was concerned.
I can imagine it feels pretty good to tell a rapist that he’s a piece of shit to his face. Out of curiosity, how does it feel to white-knight a rapist piece of shit?
Being dragged for being a serial rapist is actually right side up. He’s been living inverted for so long that he just doesn’t recognize which way is up.
Anyone hedging bets on how soon that place will have to close down, while the event and venue ownership and management are run out of town? The sooner the better, says the old silver fox.
They were the ones who saw a famous serial rapist in their bar, and decided the women who were upset were the problem. They could have asked him to leave. Serial rapist/harasser/destroyer of women’s careers is not a protected class.
Maybe…did they kill him loudly, or was it done tastefully?
What did penguins do to deserve that?
The question to me isn’t whether he deserves it but rather a question of maintaining a safe environment in any venue but especially a place where alcohol is being served. What if a bunch more people started to join in? What if after that happened, it got physical? You can’t manage a venue and just let people start yelling at other people, even when it’s perfectly justified.
Maybe it would have been fine but how would you know unless you let it play out. How far do you let something go before you decide if it’s a problem or not? Were you there? Did you see what happened?
Those are good questions. For everyone’s safety, Weinstein should voluntarily go to jail.
Weinstein should die in a fire. If I were an event organizer I would have just said “no” when he tried to reserve a table. And I agree that he should have been asked to leave, not the women. I just don’t agree with trying to do the internet pile-on thing when anyone who wasn’t there doesn’t know specifically what happened. One staff member faced with a very unusual situation where they might have made a better decision had they had time to think about it isn’t a good reason to try to tank someone’s business I don’t think.
I wonder if he made the reservation under his own name.
I just had a thought…
You know how some restaurants have pictures everywhere of their owner schmoozing it up with whatever celebrities come into the joint?
What if instead of that, this hypothetical restaurant had pictures of its bouncer tossing out Weinstein and other ignominious scum like the trash they are?
What if he started raping people? What if he sicced his intelligence agents on people? He did that to women already, without provocation. There are signs in many establishments that state we reserve the right to refuse service.
It’d have been a safe environment if he left.
They could have asked him to leave.
He shouldn’t have been let in. He should be a social outcast unable to get a reservation anywhere but McDonalds. So should Chris Brown and others like him. I’m all for rehabilitation and reintegration but you need to be serve your time and show some credible remorse and a change of behaviour. If the courts won’t sentence him, ostracization is the tried and true method.
They could have but the one staff person who was handling the situation didn’t. It’s possible they didn’t even know who he was. There are plenty of people who never even accidentally come across the news. The business likely didn’t sit down with all their employees, have a discussion about the situation actively unfolding in the venue, and make a corporate decision.
All I know is that it must have been done with civility.
If it wasn’t, someone would have complained.
The bar could have said that, instead of an implied “rich people welcome here” announcement. If the staff member was invincibly ignorant, google is on everyone’s phone. My guess is that at least one of the three woman would have clued them in as to why, don’t really think they were being coy about the details.
Which has been proven by…?