At rally, Trump fantasizes about beating up Biden, says he'll fire Fauci after election, again strands crowd

Go back to the beginning.
Reread the post by @Textuality.
Carry on from there.
Come back and report on what you found.

Or not. It’s pretty straightforward.

It turns out that there is a large sector of voters who feel that it is an honour to be lied to and despised and spat on by such a manly man.


Nah @Hypoxia, as long as he is “fantasizing” he covered. Now if he were to make an unequivocal demand for a duel that no one could mistake for a wish that would be a different story. But as @dreamofthedarkstar posted You can just add those infractions to the list.


There have been cases of deportation of Trump voters’ non-citizen spouses, though. And accompanying shock on the part of said voters because they didn’t think he’d deport “the good ones”.

Case in point (with a cameo by Mayor Pete):


Oh, I agree. My comment was based on what people said in the RadioLab story when asked, “hey why’d you vote for that raging fascist”. I’m willing to take people at their word that they believe they voted for him because he was an outsider business man who would lower their taxes and stop abortion. Again, these are very low information voters. It was clear the only thing they knew about him was “famous successful real estate guy” which of course is wrong on so many levels, but here we are. The way these people spoke, it seemed to me they must not take in any news at all.


My post was poorly worded, sorry. The community as a whole supported Trump and the citizens among them voted for him, then all the non-citizens in the same community were rounded up and deported. One guy even said he was in hiding and living in constant fear of ICE, but it was all worth it because Trump would stop abortion.


If you worship a guy who says “Doctors make more money if you die of Covid” along with a string of other blatant falsehoods, then I’m not sure what word to use other than moron. Terminally Gullible?


I am jealous. I spent some time trying to avoid news, and “Trump said something stupid and fascist” made it through every single day.


If nothing else they’ve been hearing what Trump has been saying, which should be more than enough to let them know he’s a racist/misogynist/fascist.

You don’t need to turn to NPR or read a lengthy investigative report from the New York Times to know that Trump is an emotionally and intellectually stunted monster who has no business in public office. He makes that clear every time he opens his mouth.


Ummm… so are you saying that “I should do my own research”?

No, but keeping track of the conversation is a good idea.

Not if it means agreeing with victim blaming.

So…has he fired Fauci yet?

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Wouldn’t Trump be too bustpy at this point dealing with important stuff, like issuing pardons? Maybe he also has to burn a lot of secret documents

Now that we’re shadenfreude-scrolling, he’s finally getting to his doom-scrolling.


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