Attack of the Tourons

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Ugh, touron indeed. What a completely disrespectful and (nearly) bloody idiot.


The dogs in my neighbourhood mostly learned about skunks and porcupines when they went camping. Never seen more miserable hounds.

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Depending on your stance about gallows humor, you may find this horrible or funny. As it’s been for a couple years, a guy of the Balear Islands in Spain (famous “cheap” tourist spot, specially for british and german people. Also the S in Spain is silent) has compiled the yearly “balconing” results in sports league format.

Most of the comment replies were “jump puns” (ie: after several years of Britain dominating the charts, the germans jumped over them") or puns about the fact that Mallorca has a large german retiree population with several places catering specifically to german speaking people (and thus getting the nickname of the spanish lander) (ie: “it was an unfair judging because the germans are the home team”).

I think this tells a lot about how we start to feel about certain types of tourism styles…


…definitely an idiot

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Dunno why the Independent links to Sunday World in the Onebox. They’re the same media group but they hav their own websites. Odd


As my mother once told me: If he’s looking for sympathy, he’ll find it in the dictionary between “shit” and “syphilis”.


“One bride wanted a polar bear at her wedding reception. She was concerned about the potential danger, so she wanted the animal chained and its claws trimmed. I politely explained that, unfortunately, we couldn’t provide a real polar bear for the occasion,” Niemi explained.


That bride should have gone to Churchill, Manitoba. The polar bear capital of the world.


“invite the polar bear”, she said.
“it’ll be fun”, she said.


Has she considered a tropical wedding?







As I said in the HP printer thread… I think the latest davos has encouraged rich people to speak more candidly…

We used to see UK people retiring here with that kind of attitude (and german people still do) and it kinda sucks. Have we posted the one about the english touron complaining they were “too many spaniards” in her trip to Benidorm, a SPANISH city?


Get married in Hammerfest, problem solved.


Only indirectly related, but compelled to post for two reasons:

  • The whole conclusion that tourists are stealling the bones and making sculptures out of them :scream:
  • One of the comments:

I’m from Himachal Pradesh, India. Its a Himalayan state neighbouring Uttarakhand (the state where the Roopkund lake is).
I cannot emphasize just how much damage tourists are doing to the natural ecosystem of these mountains. As Hindus, the Himalayas are a holy site for us. They’re the abode of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati (as you mentioned), and there are thousands of pilgrimage sights scattered all across the mountain ranges, each holding its different legend and story.
Any time one visits these sites nowadays, though, all you can see are plastic wrappers and bottles, stray rubbish that tourists leave behind. Not only does it destroy the sanctity of the site, its also harmful for the local ecosystem.
Last year’s monsoons were some of the worst I have ever experienced in my life. Landslides, floods, you name it. We even lost many of our close friends due to it. The Himalayas are dying, and there’s nothing us locals are able to do, because tourism makes up such a huge portion of our state’s economy. For the tourists, its just a 5 day fun adventure, but for us, its our life, our neighbourhood, everything we’ve ever known.

Sorry for the essay, just please, if you ever go out to visit another country or go hiking in the Himalayas, do your part, and respect whats been there thousands of years before you came along.

Conclusion: Tourons, Tourons everywhere

(also, great channel if you like serious archeology but would love a bit less dryness in the presentation)


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