Attack of the Tourons


Many websites promoting Yellowstone tourism encourage visitors to budget extra travel time, at least 30 minutes, in case of a bison jam. But tour bus drivers have schedules to keep, so it’s likely the driver of the Bluestar bus took whatever action they deemed necessary to keep traffic moving and finish their route.

Heggie hopes other tour buses don’t follow the Bluestar example. Bison jams, as long and frustrating as they can be, are part of the authentic Yellowstone experience and should be respected as such.

“While we’re in the park, we can observe wildlife, but they’re supposed to have priority,” he said. “It’s their home, and we’re there to visit. I don’t care if there are 100 cars in front of you. Just wait.”


BTW I almost forgot! It’s officially summer in Spain, we had the first touron “accidentally falling off a balcony”.

(He survived, as it was “only” 4 meters). Judging from the building I guess it was the first floor balcony. And I want to note these balconies are not short, regulations state that they need to be at least 1 meter tall.


Not exactly touron, but touron adjacent…

Short summary:
Company preparing a Louis Vouitton fashion show in Güell Park “accidentally” broke some of the historical elements, including one of the decorative stone balls and part of a stair wall.

The fashion show was planned for the American Cup. While the company assumed responsability and will fully pay the cost, it was the neighborhood association “Platafoma recuperem la Salut” (Platform for taking back La Salut) who discovered and reported the damage.

So on summary, a show catering to the 1% in the context of a cup catering to the 1% - and honestly nobody in the city asked for - broke some elements and would have gotten away scott free if not for those pesky neighbours who reported it!


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