Austin cops violently crack down on scourge of anonymous jaywalking

And yet ALL of us are reading…


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Actually, to take it in a different direction… The “I” that “is,” that is to say, the observer, the “thing that bes” from the subjective perspective, I happen to believe is universal and common to all observers. It’s a hall of eyes watching eyes, but the eyes all belong to the same thing, watching itself! And in this case, it is absolutely impossible to NOT be, as that state of being is the only thing of permanence…

Which results in the final conclusion – the jogger and the cops are the same thing that exists, permanently, and this one entity in this case was really arresting itself, and screaming at itself! All the world’s a stage as has been said…

Agreed, eyeless friend, for we are ALL blind to the world we inhabit.

I just live here…

sounds better in the original German.


Placate the police to your frightened heart’s content. Kiss their butts. Never acknowledge they over reacted (which you could say nicely). But by all means, don’t draw attention to the police state by screaming bloody hell when you know they’re screwing you. I think she acted bravely and brought attention to all the people of Austin how their tax dollars are paying these steroid taking, overweight bullies to make major issues out of minor offenses.


Crime pays the crime-labelers only currently.

“Itself”? You mean she, who you call a whiny crybaby. She was just jogging not looking for media attention.


Yeah, I see what you are saying. But I personally feel more secure with my id, my thinking is if I pass out, or get stuck in a field with a busted bike part, I like having more resources. The last thing on my mind before a workout is a need to express my freedom.

And I wasn’t saying she should have had a license, just sad that this may have been avoided.

So I was trying to play Internet lawyer and couldn’t figure it out… if a cop is at the point of writing me a citation for jaywalking, do I still have the right (in Texas) to not show him ID?

Heavy. /s







edit –


Ser Kingdazy,

I like your post. I’m familiar with 5th, 6th street Austin in the summer.

Great times – I almost - well, kinda almost accepted relocation there but instead opted for a cash-out. Why cash-out? Not the main reason - but one of many - the cops kinda freaked me out in I dunno a deliverance-uncanny-valley sorta way - plus I heard stories like yours.


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Listen, I’ve been clubbed by riot police, who attempted to walk on me with their horses I will add, in the course of direct action protests in Washington DC. I was peacefully sitting in a street which happened to be a major thoroughfare in the city, a block or two from the White House, and they didn’t want me and the hundreds of other folks in that street to be there. Of course, I knew what I was getting involved with, which is why I was wearing an army helmet and military goggles, which came in very handy and deflected the blows from the batons quite nicely. That’s one little example from my life, there are quite a few other examples. But I really don’t feel the need to have to prove my cred on a forum on the internet with a bunch of strangers. Same reason I don’t think getting worked up about this kind of stuff on a forum really amounts to very much. I try to consider myself a realist, when it comes to our ever-increasingly militarized police surveillance state. If you get in trouble with the man, do what you can to deescalate the situation! I say this purely from a self-centered perspective. It’s absolutely what the ACLU preach, do you accuse them of being apologists for The Man? Homey, please.

Ferrous, really. Metal.

Just wrap yourself up in your warm, fuzzy blanket and go your merry way.

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Well trained, it seems.

Then why are you here?

Physical gender may be a byproduct of our species’ reproduction process, but the “it” I speak of is well beyond all that! Hey dude, you either grok it or you don’t grok it – the IRONY (heheh) is that IMO you are “it” all the same, whether you grok it or not! I’ve always said that this realm is The One’s way of going on vacation from being The One. :wink:

Situational apologist, seriously.

P.S. Grow some stones, and make some real rememberances, exampler… :wink:

P.P.S. Didn’t you just remark something about permanence?

For fun and profit. I just put a botnet in your interwebs!

Reminds me of advice that a well trained toady gave me, once. I didn’t pay him any mind, because I’d rather use both hemispheres of my brain at the same time.